A note from the Author

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I guess this makes me the author 😉. I must admit I'm doing this a bit on a whim but I just felt so compelled to say something.

I am quite honestly blown away by how much this story has grown. Everyday I am in awe of the kindness that comes my way! The views, the votes and the comments amaze me daily. I guess I quite simply want to thank all of those who make my day that bit brighter. Thank you - and you all know who you are.

I never imagined this fanfiction to come as far as it has done. The start of this story was merely a one-shot nothing more. Now look -over 30 chapters in and it's still growing. I really don't know where it all comes from to be honest. Some chapters I plan - others demand to be written and so the story takes on a new form, another dimension for us to explore. It's insane and yet brilliant.

I guess some of the thanks should go to Kristina08G - you just seem to have been there from the start, not that I can remember it anymore and now you've become someone I talk to everyday. It's bizarre but I wouldn't change it for the world. Thank you for spurring me on and getting me to keep writing after I gave it up for so long. At least it's something for my idle mind to focus on.

As for Elaine some people like to think that she is me. I wish, she is someone so much more. A legend in fact - I'm only adding to it. She is so much braver, more courageous and Id assume funnier too - although her last few chapters may have been a bit of a wobble 😉

Wow this is longer than I had imagined it to be. This always seems to happen! If this is the case the fanfiction may never end. But I warn you dear reader things are about to change. I just hope we are all ready - myself included. (Who knew this writing lark would be so much fun?! It dawned on me today the power writers have. They mess with the readers mind - readers that are so tenderly hooked on words on a page. I guess that's a form of magic in itself.)

Anyway dearest reader, I'll try not to mess with you much longer. But remember I did warn you. The future is very much uncertain but it's something we can't escape. Not even Elaine.

It's about time I got back to business...

The Author.

Rabbit Heart - Merlin FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon