Chapter 2 - Widow in a party dress

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"Come on dude we gotta go! I have to pick Melody up from her friends house in 10 minutes and its 20 minutes away, hurry your gay ass up!" Nick yelled from our room, making me sigh as I was styling my hair. I literally just got home 15 minutes ago and stunk like a bear who had taken a bath in testosterone after my second training this afternoon. He only told me that we had to pick Melody up as soon as I fell exhausted on my bed, ready to take a nap. 

"Its your fault for not telling me earlier. You knew I had practice until 6 and that I always get food afterwards with the guys. We wouldn't be on time anyway, you should have just told Melody or whatever to meet us there" I replied, finishing my hair and walking to my closet. Nick was already wearing a shirt and a pair of dark jeans, simple as always. 

"I can't do that Jaxson, I love her! Anyways, she doesn't have a car and wants to be with me instead of letting her friend drive her" Nick replied, taking his car keys, while I was busy getting into my pants and picking out a belt. And no, that is not a stereotypical gay thing, its just simply my style, not my sexuality. Deal with it. 

"Yeah, well I don't care. If she bitches in the car about us being late, I'm going to get bitchy as well" I replied, buckling up my belt and getting a simple shirt. I grabbed my keys and phone, before nudging my head towards the door, signaling that we could go. Nick jumped up like a little kid, following me. 

"Can't guarantee anything and also Jaxson, you're always a bitch" he grinned. I rolled my eyes, before closing the door behind us. Nick wasn't wrong though, I could be a bitch, but only if you make me one. And just because I'm not a very cheerful and positive person, like my best friend over here, doesn't mean that I'm bitchy. Nick snickered, before playfully shoving my arm, making me groan. But that only made him laugh. Nick knew me better than anybody and he understood me. I didn't scare him away with my attitude and it felt good to have at least one person in my life who really gets me. 

A 25 minute long drive later, after we had to stop for gas, because somebody forgot to fill up his tank, we arrived at that girls house. Nick texted her, saying that we had arrived and not 1 minute later, his latest girlfriend walked towards the car and I could already smell how angry she was. She just got inside, slamming the door shut behind her and crossing her arms in front of her chest. Yep, she was pissed. While that was happening, I was concentrating on my dms, only to see all the supposably straight guys that slide into them. God, they will never learn will they? 

"Hello sugar bun, I've missed you" Nick spoke, leaning over and trying to kiss his girlfriend. But she only turned her head away from him, so his lips met the side of her face. "Boo whats wrong?" Nick asked and I rolled my eyes, because we already knew that bitch would start something. I don't hate Nicks girlfriends, because I barely see them over the course of their three week relationship. I pity them, if anything, and I refuse to get to know them incase I like them and get attached. Because I would surly get shit from Nick for hanging out with his ex. But on the other hand, that was most unlikely, because Nick had a type: long hair, cute face, sensitive, clingy, overdramatic and romantic. And I did not need one of those in my life. I already had Nick after all. 

"You are late" she stated and I proceeded to try and not listen in on their stupid fight from here on out. I stumbled upon an message from one of the guys who used to 'bully' me in school. Bully is a bit harsh, since me and my friends always beat them up when they got physical. A few insults I could take, but no way in hell would I take a punch from a guy, just because I was gay. Gabe Connor... who would have thought that asshole liked ass? He even send me a dick pic and I chuckled a bit, while the two in the front were now full on fighting. Melody was crying and Nick was begging her to stop and she started to yell at him. But Gabes dick looked really weird. Why would you send something like that? It had a weird curve and I had to chuckle again, when I saw that he had taken it wearing military pants.

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