Kumamon Baby Light My Fire!

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A/N: I was surprised this story got votes, welp I guess I'll continue! :)




Y/N's POV:

You all went back to the area where the Trailmon went trying to find a way home.

You really missed Koji and was mad that he left on his own.

"If you wanna go home all you have to do is hop on here," said Neemon.

Bokomon then pulled Neemon to the side.

"I'm taking this bad boy home! You guys?" J.P. asked.

"I'm not going home without Koji! But I also wanna know why I'm really here," you said.

Zoe smirked at you. "Aww does someone have a crush?"

"No duh," you said as you rolled your eyes.

"Just don't tell him!" You added.

Zoe squealed a bit.

"Ugh girls..." Takuya groaned.

"What do you see in that guy anyway N/N?" he asked.

"He's interesting," you said.

"Interesting?! Oh cmon Y/N what do I have to do to get you to like me already?" Takuya cried.

"That's the problem you'll do ANYTHING but it will only lead you to trouble," you said.

Takuya scoffed.  "Oh c'mon that 1 date wasnt enough for you?"

You narrowed your eyes at him.

"You puked all over my popcorn in the movie theater! And the rest landed on my shoes!"

Takuya sweatdropped. "I'm sorry!"

You then put your hand to his cheek and slowly stroke it.

"You're still cute Takuya!" You said.

"If I'm so cute then why dont you go out with me already?!" Takuya asks.

You shake your head. "Nope!"

You then pat his cheek three times.

Takuya groans.

"Well I'm leaving you dweebs behind if you're not coming," said J.P. about to head on the train.

Tommy and J.P. had left or so you all thought...

"What are y'all doing here?" You asked.

"We dont know," said J.P.

The 5 of you and the digimon then set off in the sunset.

You kept thinking about Koji.

"I hope your planning on helping us," Bokomon said.

Before Takuya could answer our devices starting talking.

"Attention go to the forest terminal," said the device.

"The what?" You asked.

"We should follow the tracks and they'll take us right to it," said Bokomon.

"Uh uh! Your crazy if you think I'm going to walk to the end of the line! If you want me to go to this 'forest terminal' then we travel there in style!" You yelled at Bokomon.

Digimon Frontier: The 2nd Female Digi Destined! Koji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now