Sockit Takuya

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You woke up hearing cries of voices. You heard that it was Zoe, J.P. and Tommy, each sounding like they were in distress. You also felt that your wrists were tight. You look up and saw that there were chains around them and held against a wall with the others except Takuya and Koji by my side.

"Um...what's going on?" You asked.

"Bout time you woke up! Those digimon are messing with our D Tectors!" Zoe said.

You then looked over and saw four Datamon messing with the D Tectors with screws.

"No stop!" You yelled.

"You'll break them!" Zoe cried.

"I'm warning you!" J.P. said.

"Give em back!" Tommy said.

Mercurymon and Ranamon then walk in.

"Did you get the Spirits?" Mercurymon asks.

The Datamon shake their heads.

"It would be wise of you children to give us what we seek!" Mercurymon said.

"And it would be 'wise' to bring us down here now before I get down and pop your big forehead in!" You yelled.

"Oh I don't think so hon! Mercurymon can't I squash just one of them? All of this whining is giving me a headache!" Ranamon says.

"Patience my ancient urchen. We shall use these 4 as bait to lure the other 2 out of hiding!" Mercurymon said.

"Oh but sugar it would be faster to just make them tell us right now!" Ranamon says.

"Do as you wish!" Mercurymon said.

"Oh goodie goodie!" Ranamon cheers.

She then summons multiple hands that held white feathers. She then snaps her fingers and the hands come towards you all. The hands then start to tickle Zoe and Tommy on the belly and they laughed hard.

The feathers tickled your belly near your piercing but you didn't laugh one bit.

"Hey why didn't my tickling take affect on you hon?" Ranamon asks.

"Because I am not ticklish! 'hon,'" you mocked.

Ranamon then looked at youbangrily and then let out a smirk.

"Alright then sugah! How about this?" Ranamon snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, floating tongues appear and they come closer to you as you widen your eyes in shock. The tongues then start licking your belly, tickling you on your navel, abs, and around your belly ring. You start to die laughing.

"HA HA HA HA HA! OK OK I'll tell!" You yelled laughing.

"Y/N no!" The others cry.

Ranamon smirked and the tounges disappear.

"Come here..." you whisper to her.

Ranamon does so and leans her ear towards you and you leaned down the farther to her ear. With a loud hacking noise from your throat, you spit in her ear causing her to scream as she jumps back as she desperately tries to clean it out.

"Ewwwwwwwwww! Yucky!!" She shrieked.

"You're a Warrior or Water right? Enjoy my wet meat apple spit, mermaid thot BITCH! HA HA HAAAA!" You howled with laughter.

Ranamon's blue face burned red with anger as she glared at your laughing form. Meanwhile your three friends narrowed their eyes at your behavior as their faces went blue with lines going down their form.

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