Bizarre Bazaar!

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You were riding through an icy area on the raft.

"We're really cooking with it now," Takuya said.

You held on to the stick of the raft careful not to fall off. Takuya was shivering and Zoe was too.

"Cooking? but I cant feel my fingers!" Zoe cried.

Thats when Koji takes off his jacket and gives it to Zoe.

"Take it!" he says.

You widen your eyes in disbelief.

"Yeah? You sure?" Zoe asks.

Koji then nods and Zoe takes the jacket.

"Thanks your the best!" Zoe says and puts on the jacket.

You then let out a little whimper. But what did you care? You weren't cold. A few minutes later as you got deeper into the glacier area, your body started to get colder. You then started to shiver.

"Hey y/n arent you cold?" Takuya asks.

"No..." you said a little annoyed.

You waited until Takuya stopped looking at you as you slowly rubbed on your arm to gather what little warmth you could.

It sadly didn't do much for you as goosebumps slowly formed across your arms and shoulders.

Your teeth slowly began to chatter a bit as you felt the frozen air brush across your tummy.

'Why did I choose to dress in club wear? I should've brought a jacket! Damn it! It's cold as brick out here!' you thought.

You suddenly, felt warm hands wrap around your waist. You are then pulled over into Koji's lap. Koji wraps his arms around you and leans into your ears.

"Don't think I didn't see you shivering," he whispers huskily.

His voice sent warm shivers down your spine.

You hum and lean against him to take in his warmth.


You take in the moment to nuzzle your nose against his as you giggle.

Takuya narrows his eyes and sweatdrops.

"Would you two stop making out for one second?!Sheesh!"

"Aww! I think it's cute!" Zoe cooed.

'Know what else is cute? The thought of ME wearing Koji's jacket that YOU'RE wearing...but I'll let this go sis...for now...' you thought as you stopped cuddling Koji.

"Hey look at that! Land ahead!" Bokomon said.

The raft then slides off an ice ramp down the hill.

"Everyone hold onto something!" Koji says.

You then go back to the palm tree and hold onto it tightly. You then see a snowman up ahead.

"A snowman?!" Everyone exclaims.

You rolled your eyes.

"No it's Frosty..."

You all hurled even closer to the snowman.

"Now seriously guys! Why do you feel the need to speak all at once or finish each other's sentences with cringy one liners?"

You rolled your eyes again.

"This is why I can't stand dub-OOMPH!"

You all crashed into the snowman causing the raft to break apart and making you fall off.

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