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WE STAYED for hours at the small skatepark. We ate and made jokes. Felix told me that his family and him rented a new apartment until their house is fixed. I am really glad that they are all okay.

"I think it's time to go" Changbin said and all of us agreed. "Hana I will walk you home" Felix said. I tried to tell him not to but he just couldn't accept the word "no". "It's late" he said.

We started walking and talking until I heard a voice.

"You didn't have to buy sooooo much ice-cream. My wallet is dead now". I stopped walking. I look at all the directions just to find where the voice was coming from but I couldn't see anything.

"You lost the bet so you had to buy me ice cream. It's not my fault that you suck at running" I heard another voice saying. That voice seemed familiar. Familiar cause it was mine. I tried to find the person that talked but I couldn't see anything.

"I, actually, let you win" the boy's voice was heard again.

"You're trying to excuse yourself" my voice was heard again. Then I heard laughter. I felt an arm around my shoulders. I turned to look at Felix thinking he was the one hugging me but it wasn't. It was Hyunjin. He was laughing. He turned to look at me and our gazes met. I felt my heart beating crazy just by looking at him.

"Hana?" his voice changed. It became deeper. "Hana? Are you okay?" his face became Felix's.

"Felix? What happened?" I said kind of upset. I tried to look around to find hyunjin but he was nowhere.

"You just stopped walking and you seemed off this world" he said. So, that means that Hyunjin wasn't here. Of course he wasn't.

"Nevermind. I'm just tired. Let's just go home" I said and started walking leaving Felix behind, looking at me.

Haunted|| H.H (ongoing/editing)Where stories live. Discover now