23|Not Over

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MY MOM walks into my room with a plate with food and a glass of water.

"You haven't eat anything these days. Please eat something" she says. I just nod and keep looking out of my window. "Hana... Whatever you feel please talk to me about it... I don't like seeing you like that and not be able to do something"

"Can I go to a psychiatrist?" I ask. She seems surprised with my question. I am too but these days I've thought everything that has happened to me and I thought that a psychiatrist would help. Maybe everything is my imagination. Maybe Hyunjin never existed and I made all this up. Maybe the scary woman is in reality myself.

"Are you sure about that?" She asks. She looks willing to help me with any way possible. I nod. "Okay then, sure" she says. She smiles at me and exits my room.


"Hana" I hear someone calling my name. "Hana" I hear it again. I turn around to look for the person that talks. "Right here" he says. I walk towards the place where the voice was heard. There's a door in front of me. "In here" I hear the voice behind the door. I try to open it.

"It's locked" I say.

"I know" the voice says. "Hana listen to me carefully". His voice reminds me someone.

"Hyunjin? Is that you?" I ask.

"Yes. But now listen to me cause I don't have a lot of time. You are not crazy. That woman is trying to make you weak. She tries to push everyone around you away from you so that you will be alone. That way it would be easier for her to take you"

"I don't believe you" I say. "You aren't real are you?" I ask.

"What? Hana don't start thinking like that. You are so close to help me" he says.

"Help you? But who will help me? I've lost my friends cause I tried to harm them. Who's next? My family?"

"Hana I understand how you feel but please don't be like that. She wants you to feel like that"

"I'm tired of this" I say and I feel my throat hurting and tears in my eyes.

"I know Hana but please. PLEASE stay strong for me" he says.

"I don't think I can anymore. I want my normal life back. The one that I didn't have to worry about loosing my friends or even my mind. I used to be happy" I say.

"I've seen all your moments of happiness Hana. Do you remember when I first got my dog? You were way more excited than I was. You used to always ask me how she was doing. Or do you remember when we skipped school one day just to go to the sea cause it was almost summer?" He says. I suddenly feel way better just thinking if these moments.

"I do remember" I say. I feel someone swiping my tears and hugging me but i see no one.

"So please don't cry. I'd rather stay here forever than seeing you cry" He says. "I have to go but remember I love you"

And with that, I woke up. For a reason I felt like I had someone by my side. Hyunjin had always been with me even though I couldn't see him. He was able to watch every move that I made. And his last words in my dream gave me a reason to keep trying to bring him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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