Chapter 4 : Hush

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"What are you doing here, A-yi?" Cheng slide open his door before letting his son to enter his room. "Something bothering you?"


"Come here." Cheng sign his son to his beside him before smiling, a rare smile he shows to anyone. "What wrong?"

"I--pa--how did shufu, die?"

"Is this what been bothering you lately?" Cheng sigh.

"No!!! I mean--part of it." Jingyi laughed awkwardly.

"Part of it?" Cheng rise one of his eyebrows. "What the other part?"

"It--my status--"

"Your status?"

"I--I'm not your son, right--" Jingyi reply sadly. "I--"

"Who told you this?"

"It doesn't matter--"

"Who the fuck told you this?" a suffocating pheromones was released. Immediately, Jingyi cover his nose.

"Pa--" his vision blur. "Pa--"

"A-Cheng!!" the door open, revealing a panic Fengmian. "A-Cheng!!"

"Is it you?!"

A loud thud stop them.

"A-yi!!" Fengmian run to his grandchild. "Stop your pheromones!! It suffocating A-yi!!"

"What is the meaning of this!!" Yu Ziyuan appear with Yanli.

Immediately Cheng turn to face his mother and older sister, a burning stare was straightly looking toward them. "A-Cheng!!" Yanli run to him before holding onto his hand, close to crying. "Calm yourself. A-yi. You hurting A-yi!!"

"GET OUT ALL OF YOU!!" Cheng shout.



without anger Cheng more, Yanli pull both her parent away and close the door before her eyes land on her shakened son. "A-ling." Yanli smile sadly.

"How is--how is A-yi?" Ling asking as he hugging himself.

"He's--he's fine. A-Cheng is calming down. They will be fine." Yanli pull her son and left the scene.


"A-Cheng. A-Cheng never that angry. Last time it was when A-Xian was told to leave the house. Now--" Yanli stop before knell down crying. "What should I do--"

"Ma--" Ling knell beside his mother before pull her into his chest, stroking her back. "Should we go home tomorrow? Maybe all of us need some time. It been a while since we meet, A-die."


Yanli stand in front of her brother's door, hesitating either to knock the door or just left. She never been so terrified in her life, not even when her mother was angry but right now she can felt every chill in her bone, begging to be spare from the murderous pheromones.

"A-Cheng--" Yanli gathered her courage. "We leaving to A-xuan. We--I--we will come back later. Send my love to A-yi." Yanli left.

Inside, Cheng was still holding onto his son's hand, who seems to having a nightmare. For all night long, he been keeping an eyes to his son, embarrassing to his sudden burst and almost hurting his own child. Cheng sigh. He never grow up. It only when he can felt the sun slowly rise, he can felt her sister hesitation in front of his room but decide to let her speak first before again it's a complete silent.

How he hates himself now for making his sister crying.

Wei wuxian will rolling in his grave if he knows. Grave. There's only one place he knows he can get all of his questions, answered. He knows that long before yet it terrifying him. He terried to knows the truth. He always a been a scared-cat is what his brother always called him.


How he now appreciating those simple word now. A brother who have no blood connection to him yet it was Wei Wuxian who always been there for him though he was never treat better but as a servant's son. He was always been remind of his position. His position as a servant's son. Yet, a smile never left his lips. As in his brother was born with a smile on his face and a sun shining brightly above him. Dazzling but warm.

'You need to learnt to forgive, shidi.'

How? Like him? And ended up being hurt all over again? No, that does not work with Cheng. He do not really mind about this happiness shit but he will never forgive whoever hurt his son that way again, not even his own family.

Or himself.

"Pa--" a light touch shock him.

"A-yi!!! Are you okay? I'm sorry for--"

"Pa. I'm fine. I'm fine." Jingyi smile. "It's okay."


As they reaching Jinlin Tai, his mother had enter her chamber in his father embrace, he was actually forgotten. He was clueless either to follow them or just stand in front of his parent room. Only then decide to go to his own room, throwing himself to his bed.

"This is frustraTing!!!" Ling scream onto his pillow.

He should not be this uptight. Hell, why the fuc---dear mother will wash his mouth with different types of soap. "ARGH!!!"

What is wrong with everyone at Lianhua Wu? Did they always so grumpy? They even more grumpy than Gusu. Somehow he like always-hates-his-gut Qiren more. He somehow missed the old man. It like everyone is on each other neck, even a small cause will explode into something huge. He always salute Jingyi being able to cope with all shi--again no foul words. "Should I visits, A-yuan?"

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