Chapter 31 : My Moon and My Sun

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Yuan sighs before looking at the scene before him. This is ridiculous, truly but they cannot risks any of this anymore. He believes his uncle can do something about it but still--Yuan's eyes meet his father who staring outside of the window.

'A-yuan--' Fengmian touch his shoulder.

'Grandpa--' Yuan smile as his grandfather stand beside him.

'You okay?' Fengmian smile.

'I--truthfully. I'm not.' Yuan sighs. 'I'm nervous.'

'All of us.' Fengmian chuckled.

'I--I don't know what to feel. To him. My birth father.'

'You don't have to feel anything. Wei Ying wouldn't cared what you felt. He just want you to be safe and sound.' Wangji speak still not looking to them. 'Wei Ying always been like that. Thinking that he never worth the loves or anyone to cared for him. Wei Ying always thinking that everything bad happened all because of him. Thinking it was his fault. No matter how hard you tried to says it was never his fault. Wei Ying is loyal to a fault.'


'Even when he bringing you both into this world. He--'

A knock on the door shocked them. Fengmian rise his hand and giving a signal he will be the one to open the door. Slowly, Fengmian open the door, revealing a ghost of their missing beloved. 'A-xian--' Fengmian pull Wuxian to his embrace and kiss his forehead. 'A-xian--'

'Uncle.' Wuxian tightened his grip on Fengmian. He missed this. He missed this gentle and warm embrace of a second of his father figure. 'Uncle--'

'16 years. 16 years you go without giving us any clues. 16 years you go and making us all stranded to our feeling. Hopeless.'

'I'm sorry.' Wuxian was crying as Fengmian stroking his back.

'You should be. For making me worried. For making A-li worried. For making A-Cheng worried. And even for making madam Yu worried.'

Chuckled, Wuxian tightened his hug even. 'That quite a joke uncle.'

'No I'm serious.' Fengmian released Wuxian before his eyes meet Wuxian. 'Let me take a look at you. Thin. Too thin. Have you eating well? My second sons is growing too fast.' Fengmian kissing Wuxian's forehead. 'Look at you. Just like your father. Like a twin to each other.'

'If only I can be like father to never cause anyone such a feeling of heaviness.'

'A-Xian. You never knew how much of a trouble your father had cause me. What you had cause us is just a small potions of what he had done. The only one who don't give a damn shit about Gusu's rules. Making the elders of Jiang and Gusu speechless. The only one who hates your mother only to turn to loves her the most. How they never stop fighting days and night. But, he was my brother in all but blood. He was the only one was there when I was alone. He was the only one who stand before me when I was forced down. And the only one who offering this world for me just so I can never stop smiling. And I can see him in you. Your justice, your smile, your kindness and your gentleness. Your father who I treasure above all. And now, their treasure. Most beloved sun is mine to protect.'


'And should I start with your mother?' Fengmian smile.

Wuxian smiling before wiped his tears away. 'I wish to hear about them more, uncle but--'

'I understand.' Fengmian move a bit to left.

'Wei Ying.' Wangji speak.

Wuxian gulps before smile awkwardly. 'Lan Zhan.'


'Lan Zhan--'

Without waiting for Wuxian, Wangji stand in front of him, caressing his cheek. 'You thin--'

'I--aware--' Wuxian smile.

'I--' Wangji sighs before turn to face his son. 'Come here--'

'I--' Yuan was struggling to move.

'Come here.' Wangji offer his hand. Immediately, Yuan grabs his hand. 'Wei Ying--this is--'

'A-yuan.' Wuxian smile. Yuan eyes widened.

'You knew?' Yuan turn to look at Wangji.

'I didn't tell Wei Ying anything.'

'Then--how--? Could it be you had someone to keep your eyes on us?? Is it uncle Jiang? Grandfather--' Yuan pull his hand away from Wangji.

'SiZhui!!' Wangji never saw his son like this. To think his son is throwing a tantrums.

'Lan Zhan--let him be--' Wuxian stop Wangji from making any more moves.

'To think you were this close to us all this time? I--I felt like an idiot for believing there was a reason why you never here with us. Death!!, To think you only around?? I--I hates you!!!'


'Lan Zhan!! Let him be--'


'Why do baba cared for this guy when he was the one who hurt you the most. When he was the reason why you got a mark that will never faded on your back. Forever kissing your back and marking you as a sinner. Why!! WHY!! THIS PERSON HE--'

'Yuan. The one who was so silent when he was born. I was worried that something is wrong with his health. Only to figure it out that he only crying when he was hungry or feeling something is going to hurt his family. Truly a child that don't want to cause worried to his parent. My little sun that shine for me during my darkest.' Wuxian smile. 'Jingyi. My little a-yi. Always making a fussed on everything. Crying all night long. Little chaotic but understand to every little things I'm telling him. Will always protecting his brother with his still small pheromones when I was too exhausted to do so. Will trying his best to everything. The cause of his parent worried but that was part of his charms to letting me knows that my two sons is safe, healthy and happy. My little moon that guide me when I lost in darkness.' Wuxian tears fall.

'I only been with them for year and half but that was enough for me. I need to keep them safe. I need to makes sure no harm will fall on them. I cannot let them takes my moon and my sun away from me and shot it down. I can never let them. Even--' Wuxian fingers touching Yuan's cheek. 'Even if it means that my moon and my sun hates me.' a smile draw on his lips.

A same smile that Yuan could no longer remembered only to have everything rushed to his head. A warm touch. A gentle voice. And the smell--Yuan eyes widened. He cannot smelt anything from his birth father.

'Wei Ying--'

'Lan Zhan. I'm fine. Really. I've prepared for the worst.' Wuxian smile. 'Now back to our real business.'


Qiren was never this angry. NEVER.



'Elder.' Yi bow to his master.

'I don't cared what kind of trick or anything you do. FUCKING SEARCH FOR WANGJI, YUAN AND FENGMIAN.'

'Understood.' Yi bow one more time before left.

'I already send a short message to A-yao. He will help searching for them.'

'I guess it only appropriate if we making our moves too--' Yang voice out. 'If I'm making a right assumption. Wei Wuxian and his group will directly attacking Wen Rouhan.' Yang pull out his smartphone. 'Also--' Yang shows them a short message from Zhuliu. 'I got a message that telling me Qingheng-Jun and Wei Wuxian is no longer staying at their house.'

Everyone blinks.

'What?' Yang was confused.


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