Chapter 32 : Place where I Belongs

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'I--I think we should wait for Wen Rouhan making his moves for now?' Wuxian smile awkwardly.

'I supposed.' Fengmian smile. 'And I believed that everyone is looking for us right now.'

'They won't find us here. I mean this is red districts. Place where not many of a people like Gusu or Jiang or any nobles families will ever step to?' Wuxian smile before he looking outside between the close curtain.


'Uncle. I--I don't think I can ever go back. To Jiang I mean.' Wuxian smile sadly.

'What do you mean?' Fengmian and Wangji exchanged look.

'I--' Wuxian touch his chest. 'This war between last remaining of Wen and me. I don't want to think the price I had to pays nor did I want to think the consequences we will face. I rather fought this war alone to be real.' Wuxian eyes meet Wangji. 'But, you sir.' Wuxian smile before touching Wangji's hand. 'How can I says no to your pleading? 16 years we had been apart. 16 years I've went into hiding. 16 years, I've betrayed you.'

'No. Wei Ying never betrayed anyone. Not me. Wei Ying protect me. Us.'

'How can I ever worth you dear Lan Zhan. You so easy to forgive someone like me. I never worth your kindness.' Wuxian smile. 'Still, to forgive me for what I've done? I have no right to accept that--'

'Wei Ying.'

Wuxian stop him before he could express himself more. 'The reason why Wen Rouhan had been wanting me is not only because I bore the perfect alpha's mate child but because I was the alpha's mate child itself. I believed you knows this, aren't you, uncle?'

Fengmian sighs before nodded.

'Is that mean baba also an alpha's mate child?' Yuan turn to his father.

'No. Not Hanguang-Jun. His father indeed a product of alpha's mate child but Hanguang-Jun is just a normal alpha like me. This father, Qingheng-Jun was imperfect alpha's mate child.' Fengmian explains.

'Which is why Qingheng-Jun had a thirst to end his own brother life.' Wuxian massage his head.

'He was incomplete.' Fengmian tab the table. 'They did not end Qiren's life. Making Qingheng-Jun unable to makes Qiren's pheromones as his.'

'What--' Hanguang-Jun eyes widened.

'To makes a perfect alpha's mate child. One must sacrificed their own pheromones. Namely their parent or siblings. Or the easiest way is to kill. Most alpha's mate child will born twin.'

'Then--I will turn into one--?' Yuan cover his lips. His throat burning in disgusted. The act to kills his own siblings making him twist his own stomach. Imagining his hand cover with Jingyi's blood. 'That not right--'

'No such things silly.' Wuxian smile. 'Uncle. Why did father. My father, Wei Changze truly die?'

'What do you mean??'

'Wei Changze, Cangse Sanren--Bai Rong.'

Fengmian eyes widened. 'How--'

'Who is my real parent uncle? Is it Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren or Cangse Sanren and Bai Rong?' Wuxian smile weakly. 'I noticed something weird when I visiting my parent ancestral that you had made.'

'A-Xian.' Fengmian smile. 'You indeed his child. Troublesome but giving your everything to protect people you love. Always thought you worth nothing. If only you see how we see you.'

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