Chapter 24 : My treasure And Wtf?

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'Hello, Chouchou.' Wuxian smile awkwardly.

Stepping outside, Chao looks to his left and right before turn to face Wuxian again. 'Go fucking home, Wei Wuxian!!'

'I don't have one.'

'So? Go fucking starve on the street all I know!! You done that before it's nothing new!!' Chao slap the door close to Wuxian's face.

'Chouchou!! Please...'



'Who is that?' Zhuliu looks toward his mate.

'Fucking Wei Wuxian.' Chao answers before aggressively drop himself to the couch.

'Why not inviting him in?'

'Like why do you fucking cared?'

'Young master...'

'Can you please fucking shut up?' Chao hissed before pressing the remote control. 'What the fuck wrong with this channel? Is people this stupid now to even planning a good movie?'


'Jeeezzzz!!! I fucking hates you!! Fucking kill yourself!!' Chao stand up before walk to the front door opening it harshly.


'Fucking enter you piece of shit!!' Chao hissed before back to his seat.

'I'm sorry for intruding Zhuliu. Chouchou.'

'Fucking dropped the name.'

'That the only things I will never do.' Wuxian chuckled as Chao glared.


'Why do you needs us, Lan Wangji?' Cheng was the last person to arrive while all of them had already waiting for him.

'I...' Wangji turn to face Yuan who also curious as to why his father gathered them all.

'Baba--' Yuan touch his hand.

'Wei Ying. He--he's turning cold on my hand when he had tried to protect something so precious to him--to me. To--us--' Wangji tightened his grip on his Yuan's hand. 'He died protecting our child. Our biological child. Child of the alpha mate.'

Everyone eyes widened as Wangji finishing his last speech. 'Oi!! Oi!! Oi!! What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Mean?!' Cheng looks to Wangji before turn to Jingyi. 'You meant to says that you and Wei Wuxian is fucking and--' before anyone could stop Cheng, Wangji already pinned down to the ground with Cheng straddling him. His murderous pheromones was released.

'A-CHENG!!' Yanli run to her brother, trying to pull him away from Wangji while the rest of the families still could not proceed what is happening.


'Released him at once SECT. LEADER. JIANG!!' Qing push Cheng away before standing between Wangji and Cheng while Ning had help Wangji to stand up.

'Are you alright, second young master Lan?'

'YOU FUCKING KNOWS!!' Cheng tightened his fist. 'You and you.' Cheng point to Qing and Ning. 'You all fucking knows and never told me?!'

'Why do we need to tell you that? This family of all people? Didn't you all rejected him?' Qing glared.


'A-jie. Sect leader Jiang.' Nng release his pheromones, trying to calm both. Even Fengmian now releasing his pheromones to help Ning.

'I am also well informed.' Zixuan sighs.

'What?' Cheng mouth hanging open as he looks to his brother-in-law.

'I heard a rumors about it. But, I just shoved it away thinking it just another way to paint Wei Wuxian even darker than he already is. I even stop the rumours from spreading.' Zixuan sighs again. He just digging his own grave.

'Then--then--A-yi---' Cheng turn to his son. 'A-yi is alpha mate child?' Cheng body shivering.

'What are you talking about, A-Cheng?' their mother asks. Eyes was focusing on him.

'Wei Wixuan had comes on his weakest state and also with a child. A-yi. He told me A-yi was his treasure--' Cheng eyes meet Wangji. 'Then--then you--A-yi---'

'No. No. That not it.' Wangji touch his forehead. Everything just overwhelming to him now. His son was Jiang Jingyi? Son. Real son?

'Wangji?' Xichen touch his brother's shoulder as he felt Wangji pheromones is leaking.

'It's impossible.'

'What the fuck did you mean impossible?! Wuxian hand A-yi himself to me!!!' Cheng glared.

'I---' Jingyi looks toward Yuan before a tears fall from his face. His father. His real father reject him. 'I--'

'A-yi--' Yuan can felt it. An overwhelming pheromones was released.

'A-yi--' Cheng was shocked as his son pheromones released wildly. Omega. A powerful one. 'A-yi--' as his fingers almost touching Jingyi, Yuan was standing between them. A heavy pheromones was released, bared his teeth in a manner of attacking.

'A-yuan--' Qing and Ning exchange looks.

'I don't think it was a good idea to approach them, A-Cheng.' Yanli voice out.

'Why--' Cheng looks toward Wangji. 'FUCKING FIX IT!! A-YI THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T WANT HIM!!' Cheng was desperate. He did not want to lost another family. Not his son mostly. 'LAN WANGJI!!'

'I--dada.' Wangji turn to his brother, tears fall from his eyes.

'Yuan. Jingyi.' Fengmian pheromones now was overwhelming. Everyone in the room was shocked. They forgot how powerful is the older alpha actually is. They forgot that his name is side by side even with Qingheng-Jun. Yuan now was on his kness yet still trying to protect Jingyi. 'A-yuan. We not here to hurt your mate.' Fengmian tried to calm the frustrated alpha.

'No. Not mate.'

'Ahh? Really Lan Wangji? Right fucking now? Don't you see what is happening?!' annoyingly Cheng spoke.

'No. Not mate.' Wangji wipe his tears. A tears of joy which shock his brother even more. When he thought Wangji was cried due to pain he was actually happy? How he lost all the ability to read his brother now. Wei wuxian truly had broke his brother. 'Not mate. Brother. Twin. Jingyi and Yuan.'

'EHHHHHHH!!' everyone scream. Even Yanli.

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