Chapter 37 : Nightless night

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It was late night when Wuxian gained his consciousness. No one in the room except his partner. Wangji was sleeping beside him, his hand gripping tight on Wuxian's another hand while looking so uncomfortable. Wuxian smile before kissing his hair.

'Always so responsible.' slowly Wuxian remove his hand and drop a blanket to cover his partner's body. He knows where he is, after all he was rise here. The smell, everything, nothing had changed. Not even the furniture not even his books.

'This is really the last place I wanna be.'

'Are you going to run away again?' a voice appeared in the darkness of the room. 'Aren't you tired of it??' it was so quiet that it takes a deathly silence to hear it.

'What kind of a creep who keeps talking in the darkness like that.' Wuxian spoke.

'How can I when your lover is sleeping next to you and it takes me real quiet to enter this room. That guy always seems like he going to kill anyone going near his sons and now you.'

Chuckled, Wuxian walks to the voice owner as he finally aware who is it. 'Really Yangyang.'

'Don't called me that. Stop giving me a weird name!!' Yang push the older male away from his face.

'It's not weird. It's cute.'

'Last time I remembered I wasn't called that.'

'Ehhh. You like your old name?'

'Shut up will ya!!' Yang looks toward somehow still sleeping Wangji.

'You really don't get a glimpse of a person that burned that place?' Wuxian asks.

'I almost did.' Yang sighs. 'He was standing on the top of the burning mansion. As in he was looking at me.' Yang remembered it clear as the person looking at him. Eyes that burning red with the heaviest pheromones Yang ever felt. Even heavy than Wuxian. Yang shivering.

'Is it that bad?'

'I thought I was staring onto the eyes of the death.' Yang sighs. 'You know. You should meet him. He was in the garden drinking himself out.'


'Sooner or later you have to meet him. You need to explain to him mostly.'

'I know.' Wuxian sighs. 'Can you stay here with Lan Zhan. He will be worried.'

'I will. You should go.'


'You should stop drinking. It's not good for your body.'

'You was the last person I want to hear that from.' Cheng put the cup down before his eyes meet his brother. 'I thought you died.'

'Hello.' Wuxian sit beside Cheng.

'We all thought you died.'

'Well kinda--' awkwardly Wuxian laugh.

'Is it fun?'


'Making us like this? Is it fun??' an angry pheromones was released.

'Its won't work on me Chengcheng.' Wuxian smile sadly.

'What do you mean?'

'To answered your question. It was never my intention to do it like this. It was to protect all of you. Mostly my children.'

'Fuck it!!' Cheng hits the table.

'A-CHENG!!!' Wuxian eyes turning red. Immediately, Cheng can felt a shivers to his bone as in he was devour into a never ending darkness and despair. 'Sorry.' Wuxian cover his eyes.

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