Chapter 17 : Back again (Part 2)

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Slowly, Wuxian open his eyes. Dark. Too dark. He never a fan of darkness it always bring the ugliest memories he had.

'Please someone turn on the light..' Wuxian try to move but it hurting everywhere.


'You should just kill yourself.'

Again with this. Wuxian sighs. 'Please shut up.'

What is this? Why did all he can truly heard is his own voice? Where is--Wuxian eyes widened. Immediately he sit down from his current position, which he should not have done..


He was still in a room that he had rent few days ago. How many times had he move out? This is the forth place which getting uglier and a complete messed. 'Should have not run away.' Wuxian again try to sit down only to almost scream as he felt like his body being twist all in a wrong way.

'FUCK!!!' this is literally a bullshit and Wuxian could not agreed more. Who told him to be a fucking bunny and go fucking around?

Alpha was never made to bore a child

Was that lesson for nothing? He really felt like an idiot right now. Urgh, how he wish teacher Qiren was here right now and kick his ass.

Alpha's mate was forbidden not only because they will bore unstable child but to prevent a lost of an alpha. To stabilised the status in society.

How he wish he can be with his Lan Zhan. Maybe Lan Zhan could not felt how he was currently feeling but he really, really hoped that Lan Zhan can be here with him. Telling him it going to be okay. Everything will be alright. He want his mate.

Alpha's mate child will be kill to prevent the abused of power. The alpha who bore the child will be put into the void state in order to terminate the new status, to prevent the madness for losing a child.

No!! Wuxian will never let that happened!! He will protect his child no matter what happens. He will protect his family even if it cause his own life. He will do it again and again if that the only way. He--

the knock on the door shock him. Did they knew he was here? This is bad they will kill his child. They--they

'Young master. Are you awake? This is me, Mo Xuanyu.' a soft voice coming from the door. Mo xuanyu? Who the hell is that? 'Don't worry young master I've makes sure there no one following me.'


'Did you forgot again, young master?' a sighs from this Mo xuanyu can be heard to inside. Did he, Wei Wuxian actually knows this guy? No. From the voice it not a guy. A child. Did he kidnapped someone else son? Noooo!!!

'Young master. We been travel together for days now. Are you in pain, young master? You only forgot about me if you are in pain. Do you needs me to kick this door? Youn--'

'I'm fine. I'm fine. Just exhausted--' slowly Wuxian open the door, revealing a indeed child with a bread on his hand. 'Where have you gone?' he tried to remember the child.

'Someone needs to makes sure we stay feeded.' Xuanyu smirking as telling the most obvious things. 'Are you okay?'


'We needs to see a proper doctor, young master. You getting thin and pale even more. And you are on the state of carrying--'

'People is hunting me down---' Wuxian back to the bed before sit down. Wuxian eyes the boy who trying to makes their foods as presentable as he could despite being only a bread and cheap coffee. 'Where do you got the money to buy foods?' Wuxian was suspicious, he did not bring anything with him when he run away though he believed the child have anything by looking at his way of clothing.

'I--we should take our lunch, young master. You must be starving--' Xuanyu smile before giving Wuxian his shared.

'A-Xuan.' it's comes so natural to him. Does he really knows this child?

'It okay really. Just take your foods.'

'A--' Wuxian eyes widened. He remembered this child. He save him when he was beaten half-dead by his supposed owner. A corrupted omega. Unpure. Broken. 'A-XUAN!!' Wuxian can felt his blood boiling.

'I--' Xuanyu cry. 'I stole it. I--I thought of selling myself for money but the thought that you will hates me forever...I just can't so I steal it. When..when they were busy. I--'

'A-Xuan. Come here.' Wuxian open his arm, immediately the boy wrapping himself to Wuxian, still crying. 'I will never hates you. I just don't want anything bad happens to you.'

'I know. But. But you needs a foods, medicine, nutrition anything. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.'

'A-Xuan. No. Never asking for forgiveness of a things you never done. When it was never your fault. Never asking for forgiveness. There's nothing to forgive.' Wuxian tightened his grip. Maybe. Just maybe. He really needs to go home. He need to give a proper home for this child. He..becoming a parent aren't he?


Xuanyu jump to the bed after finish eating leaving Wuxian to clear their table and put it aside. His eyes never left Wuxian, looking at him sharply. 'That giving me a creep, stop it.' Wuxian comment.

'Sorry young master.'

'And stop calling me that...' Wuxian sighs before sit beside Xuanyu and playing with his hair.

'Ehhh. But, young master is an alpha. My master used to says that we must address alpha with respect.'

'That is your former master not me. He just teaching you how to a proper whore.' Wuxian shake his head. He never knew the live in the alley was this bad. He even saw some people that quite familiar here and guess what people comes here making that stuff without caring about their status also he wonder how many unstable child is already being born here. Wuxian chuckled, and here he was hunt down like an animals just because he did not like one or two -or maybe all- ridiculous rules from the council.

'Master. Are you okay?' Xuanyu is holding Wuxian hands as the older man had staring into nothing as they were in the middle of talking.

'I'm fine, A-Xuan. Just thinking.' Wuxian caressing his face. 'Sleep, A-Xuan.'

'Master too, sleep.'

'I will later.'

'Why?' Xuanyu still not letting his hand go.


'About what?'


'I might not as good, but whenever pregnant omega is in distress it will never a good sign. I...was worried...'

'A-Xuan. I'm fine.' Wuxian smile before pulling the boy to him, embracing him tight as they both laying down. Stroking the boy back gently to calm himself and chuckled as it only taking a few moment before Wuxian can hear a snores from the boy. 'Sleep, A-Xuan. Sleep. I'll protect you.'

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