Chapter 45 : Love, your known lover

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Xuanyu was looking (still) at the mirror to makes sure he looks appropriate enough, more than he usually is before sighs. As in suddenly give up while his twin brother keeps exchanging look.

'Yu-gege? Are you okay--?' awkwardly Jingyi asks as their elder brother was having an internal conflict with himself.

'I might as well give this up.' Xuanyu sighs before sit on the floor.

'Is this about teacher Nie?' Yuan smile as he offering his hand to help Xuanyu back to his feet.

'Am I that obvious??'

'Well not really if you not go around with your red face screaming you a whipped for teacher Nie, well not.' Jingyi smirked.

'AHHHHH!!!' Xuanyu bury his face to his hand. 'This is embarrassing.'

'I think you embarrassed is acceptable but will you face teacher Nie's older brother? Uncle Nie is one hell of overprotective brother. He never let anyone comes near his brother, not even an inch.' Jingyi touch his chin. 'I remembered there one times he almost killed me thinking I was trying to flirt teacher Nie.'

'It because you were an idiot back then.' Ling leans on the door. 'Why the hell are you all still looking like an idiot here? Everyone is getting ready.'

'A-Ling!!' Yuan smile as he greet the heir of Jin. Immediately, Ling face reddened.

'Ahhh. Another idiot, 2.0.' Jingyi sighs before leaving the room.

'Yo, beautiful.'

'Yo, handsome.' Jingyi smile.

'How does it felt to become world famous son of our Hanguang-Jun?'

'It felt great but--' Jingyi smirk before leans to Zizhen ear. 'Seems like asking for Sandu Shengshou and Hanguang-Jun's blessing is kinda hard, isn't it? I'm sure Xian-baba will be that cool baba to just let me do anything--'

'Have they meet me?' Zizhen smirking before kissing Jingyi's cheek.

'Papa did though and he didn't like you.'

Zizhen laughs. 'Babe, sect leader Jiang Cheng didn't like anyone. Have you seen him looking at you like you some kind of pest?'

Jingyi hit Zizhen's shoulder. 'How dare you!!'

'Yeah, you love me.'

'And I am an idiot.'

'My idiot.'

'Uwa---that disgusting.' Yang and his daughter Qing covering their lips.

'Qing-chan!!' Jingyi jogged toward Yang and Qing. Qing looks toward her father before tilt her head. '-chan?'

Jingyi laughs. 'Nothing you should worried about Qing-chan. You cute.'

'Qing strong.'

'Of course. Of course so unlady-like.'

'A-Qing don't want to be lady!! A-Qing want to be like papa!!' Qing declared.

Unimpressed, Yang giving his daughter a judgemental look, 'Are you finally lost it??'

'Papa!!!' Qing hits Yang's shoulder.

'I wish you to be everything but me.' Yang put her down before stroking her head.

He was after all a sinner not a saint. The last things he wanted for his daughter is to have him as her example.

'You can be like daddy-Lan.' Yang suggested.

'No!! A-Qing want to be like papa!! Papa strong and always makes father happy!!'

'That Song Lan job. My is making sure they are worried 25/7.'

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