
92 4 0

New York, 2012

I was defeated.

I have failed my mission, and have failed to bring what he wanted me to bring: the Tesseract.

I accept my loss in this battle for Midgard, also known as to what they call as 'Earth', all thanks to my so-called brother Thor, the god of thunder. A few hours from now, I will be facing Asgardian justice, spearheaded by my adoptive father, Odin. I wonder what lays ahead for me.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." I mutter as I see them gather around me, preparing to have me imprisoned for my wrongdoings here.

One of their colleagues cuff my hands, and my brother held me tightly, knowing how my magic works. The red haired woman hands the sceptre to one agent, warning him to be careful with it. Barton adds that it may erase memories in a bad way, which he have experienced when I controlled him for my schemes.

The blonde haired guy passes by as he tells he will coordinate the search and rescue operations. Mischief clinging on to me, I imitated his form and his speech. I cannot help but question how do they keep their food down. Much to Thor's disappointment, he shuts my mouth with the muzzle, and stirs me to the elevator.

On our way out, a man wearing gray suit stops us, and demands that I should be handed to their 'government'. He is known as Alexander Pierce, the so-called 'Mr. Secretary'. He also asks for the case that contains the Tesseract.

Out of the blue, the case that held the Tesseract opened, revealing itself to me.  I hesitate to escape, but that is my only chance to do so. I quickly grabbed it and teleported to another place, which I noticed, was another timeline.

Since then, I meddled with time and human history. I have met the famous personalities of world history, and have made myself known, just like how I wanted myself to be. However, a part of me tells that I missed my brother, and I wonder where it came from. I need answers.

I finally met my death during the Black Death plague. I may be a god, but my life as a mortal took its toll on me. I resolved in committing suicide, which men deemed as a great sin. My servant reluctantly drove a silver sword to my beating heart, hoping that it may also end my suffering. I have received no proper funeral, for it is forbidden during that time.

As I faced the noon sky, memories of me with my brother and mother flashed through my mind. It also revealed what may have happened to me if I didn't escape.

Finally, I shall reunite with mother in Valhalla, my mind spoke as I breathed my last, and let eternal sleep bring me to her. Unfortunately, I felt my spirit being pulled back to my body, as if it depended on my dead body for life. I hear a voice telling me some sort of curse that I must endure. I shall witness everyone whom I loved die, while I live forever.

It sounds thrilling and disheartening to me, knowing that I am to live like a god once more, but I shall bear the pains of losing them. The only thing that made me calm was...

"Only the bride of the Goblin can draw the blade."

I have a chance to have eternal rest.
I have a chance to seek love.
I have a chance to live my life.

I am Loki, the god of mischief, turned Goblin, who seeks for his bride that can be his life and death. I may be delusional, but it is the truth.

This is my story.

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