13: First Danger

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Every single day, my love for him grows. I cannot get my mind off this man who captured my heart and soul from the very start. There is not a single day that I think about him, and wonder how great he is. Especially right now: I am making someone's wedding cake for their reception at The Melita nearby the Victorian station. I blush as the thought of marrying Loki clouds my mind as I begin beating the dough. 

I haven't seen Loki this morning. Well, maybe he is busy with helping in the house, and they won't let him go here yet; he has been spending all his mornings with me recently, and I am sure that they miss him so much. 

I was about to lay my head on the couch when I noticed I am laying on someone's lap. I looked up and see Loki smiling, ruffling my hair as I cheekily grin back at him. He giggles as he booped my scrunched nose, earning me a wildly beating heart and a clouded mind. I smile as I playfully boop his nose back, making him laugh as well. 

"So, how is Miss Baker doing during a free day?" Loki inquires as he plays with my hair.
"Still busy with the decorations needed. This client is a bit demanding," I reply as I sat up and settled my feet on the floor. Loki looked at me with a questioning look, as if he was asking me how.

After explaining to him the bits about how they described their cake, he decides to help me out by placing all the needed designs in the cake, little by little. I put in the white, creamy icing on to the cake while he intricately designed some parts of it. I cannot help but adore how focused he is with putting different patterns on to the cake; his brows furrowed in focus and concentration, his lips tightly closed, and the best part? That glorious man bun of his. Well, I liked long-haired men tying their hair into this one, but I find Loki the most handsome in that. He looked great in everything, while I had to figure out hundreds of clothing and shoes just to look good. 

"Are you enjoying it, Lokes?" 
"I indeed enjoy this one, dove. Will you teach me baking some time?" 

 Will you teach me baking some time?" 

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"And... we're all set!" 

Loki and I sat on the kitchen counter, drinking thyme tea as we appreciate our work. He was right; I wouldn't finish this in just one day without someone helping me, and thankfully he is here with me. We also finished placing it in a box, but the problem is... How do I get to move this cake out of here to Crowne Plaza? I don't have a car to get this delivered. 

"Love, if you are worried about the delivery, how about I go with you? I know a shortcut to get there before the visitors arrive," he tells me as he sets his cup down. That mind-reading... it starts to scare me to death. What if he read that I am in love with him? That is what I call a perfect disaster. Well, I need to set my mind on a person aside from him who I wanted to have as my boyfriend. 

"Well, it's okay if I am not conflicting with anything else you need to do for this day." I reply as I head to my room to put on light make-up. 

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