400 reads... On the Road to 1K reads

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Good day ladies and gentlemen!

I would like to thank you all for giving a read, a vote and a comment in this story that made me happy since Corona Virus Disease 2019 started to take over the world. I understand that it affected each and everyone of us, but that does not mean that it would stop all of us from enjoying what we love the most. Since then, I made a promise to complete at least ONE book before I turn 18. Well, technically speaking, I am still sixteen, and I have a long two years before I become a young adult. (or am I even already a young adult? I dunno.)

This very day, July 17,2020 (or check what date it is on your country, we have a lot of times here) we reached 400 plus readers, as I have announced in the last chapter. And now, seeing that this would reach 1000 reads and more, it is enough for me already to tell that I am already doing my best to make this one a well-loved story. The thought of having 1000 readers? That's already giving me goosebumps since 2017. 

As I have told you all, I have this goal of letting this story reach 1000 reads and more on October or November. And this one will happen if you all will spread the word to everyone you know... 

Loki: It is an honor for the both of us if this will reach the target numbers. We both know that 1000 reads isn't enough yet, but we want to take things slowly. Reine here has been pressured with the numbers of reads the other stories has already, and she is anxious that she won't reach it. Please, I ask in behalf of Miss Ephreine Mercado, support her through voting, commenting and sharing this. Have the courage to send your followers a message and tell them about this. 

Tadashi: I have been told about this one, and I must say: this one is indeed a good alternate reality of Loki and Dr. Stephen Strange. I hope that you all will really help her reach her goals. 

Me: Wow, you guys are really helping me here. So, once again, I am calling you all to help me reach this one on or before the said months. Thank you and another chapter is in the making. Stay tuned!

Mischief's Bride [ON EDIT]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora