Great Announcement

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My esteemed readers and viewers,

I first would like to apologize for not being able to update this story for so long. I understand that it is taxing to wait for it, but I am working on the nineteenth chapter of this wonderful story that we all have loved from the start of this pandemic up until now. However, it is with great joy that I announce to you all that... I successfully finished my junior high school level. Even though it disappoints me that my efforts are not enough to achieve at least an award, I am rest assured that I am granted a scholarship for my journey in Senior High School. Garnering the final average of 90.43, I am immediately qualified for the said scholarship. 

You guys have been an inspiration of mine to persevere in life, along with my ever supportive mother and friends who never stopped believing in me even though pressure and stress keeps pulling me down to hell. Seeing you enjoy what I write is already enough to make me smile for the rest of the day. Even though I just started to write this last April, I had made the most out of the online classes I took, thanks to you. Knowing that you all can wait, it has been a motivation of mine to keep up with the remaining lessons left before proceeding with this. 

Here's to more years of writing and persevering in my life as a student and author!

Here's to more achievements and experiences!

Once again, thank you for being part of my life as a former junior high school student who now embarks on the journey to her dreams. 

Charlotte Ephreine Llanos Mercado
Former JHS student, incoming SHS-STEM student

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