2: Birth of the Goblin's Bride

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March 1, 2004

Christine Wayland

It has been seven months since I have been saved by a mysterious man from death. The prospect of me dying along with my unborn child gives me chills; it will be my eternal regret. I have prayed to the Divinity for such gift, and it has been granted. What strikes me the most is that he have predicted that my baby will be a girl. How would he know it?
How can he foresee what my baby's gender would be? Is he a wizard? A goblin? An astrologer?

No matter. I am forever grateful to him. How should I repay him for saving me and my child from sudden death? He deserves to be thanked. My husband and I are forever indebted to him. Where can we find him? How can we express our gratitude to him?

"Love, is she still bothering you?" My husband chuckles as he wraps his arms around us. Michael is really a sweet man; he never ceased to make me laugh.
"No, she's sleeping inside. Don't bother her, you might make her angry." I joked. Suddenly, I feel my water breaking. Oh no.
"Love, are you okay?" Michael suddenly comes to my rescue. He sees water streaming down my legs. She's going out! "MICHAEL! MY WATER BROKE!"

He prepares everything we need to bring to the hospital as he calms men. He calls his brother to drive us to the hospital.

"One last push!"

It has been 5 straight hours since the start of my delivery. My husband was always at my side, soothing me as I kept pushing. She's arriving, I thought to myself. She'll be the most loved baby in the world!

"I can see the head now!" The doctor tells us. I kept pushing, motivated with thoughts of seeing my child grow with love and happiness. Michael held my hand, whispering sweet nothings to me. "She's nearing, love. You can do this!"

After giving few more pushes, hearing my baby's cries made me cry with joy. Michael beams at me, smiling his widest I have seen.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Wayland! You have a beautiful and healthy bouncing baby girl!" Our OB-Gyne says to us.

The midwife brings our beautiful daughter to us, swaddled in pink cloth. Her brown eyes are staring back at me, as if she were memorizing my face. Michael smiles at us, and kisses my forehead as he caressed our daughter.
"She's got your beauty, love." He remarked. I chuckle as I share the smile he has. "She got your eyes, love." I tell him.

Silence envelopes us as we stare at the window. We see the moon shining its brightest, with weak streams of pink light surrounding it. A pink moon meant prosperity for the spring seasons to come; harvests increase tenfold, many farmers prosper as their crops and grains are on demand. How coincidental; our girl was born during its peak. She's a blessing, indeed.

"What would our daughter's name be?" He asks me. I haven't thought of it yet, though we made a list of all possible names for her. A small memory flashed through my mind.

"Hey Chrissy! How're you today?" My friend Abigail smiles at me as I come closer to our special area.

Abigail Lauren is one of my closest friends back in college. We are one of the top students in the class, and we were known around the school. She is also the girl who set me up with Michael.

"Here, just doing fine. Gosh, I can't believe we are about to graduate in two weeks!" I sigh in exhaustion. Just in time, Michael comes with four water bottles, and he has brought a friend with him. Michael and I are in a relationship already. Don't worry, nothing happened between us yet. Our promises are not to do frisky things while we are still studying.

"Hey, Chis, how are you?" Michael wiggles his eyes at me, much to my annoyance. Well, I love him so much but his face really annoys me. And the nickname? What am I? A cheese? Bah! But don't worry, I have a rebuttal to make.
"I'm great, Microphone." I roll my eyes at my boo. I laugh as he pouts at my nickname for him.

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