Chapter 15

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Edited: 8/03/2020

Tris POV:

I am walking the compound alone right now. Today's my birthday. Which means it also Uriah's. Even though we aren't actually related we say we are twins and I don't know what's wrong with me, but all I can think about it my family. My birth one.

It was months ago. Months ago me and Xander broke up. Weeks ago I saw Four hugging some girl. Days ago Marlene and Uriah got together. I never talked to Four about the girl. I don't even know if they are dating or not. I know I saw them hugging. I wanted to tell him I liked him, but I was to scared too with everything with Xander and my brothers being super over protective anyway so I decided against it. I remember the night of my breakup Four told me that he didn't want me to think of him as a big brother. So, I don't. I just he didn't see me as his little friend. 

That was also the night I realized that I can't avoid it. I do like him as much as I wish I didn't, but you can't really control how you feel. I wish I could push him away, but in truth I am always around him.

We actually have become really close. He is definitely my guy best friend. Then again I don't have many guy friends. I have been avoiding people a lot lately. I just feel disconnected from everyone. They all have the relationships they want and know their purpose and whatever. I don't and it's harder knowing I don't have biological parents with me anymore. I go to my favorite place on the dauntless compound. I haven't shown it to anyone. There's are room that leads down the the bottom of the chasm. I like to walk along the rocks and be alone down here.

I sit down here for a little while. I know it's my birthday and I should really be with people, but when I am with people I feel like I am not myself. I turn 15 today. One more year till I choose. I want to stay here. I want to stay because everything I care about is here. I also want to leave. I want a fresh start. I couldn't leave though. The one person I want to talk to is Marlene. She is or was my best friend it's kinda hard now because her and Uriah go on dates and hang out all the time. I would talk to Four, but if he is with that girl I don't want to be around him and I am too scared to ask and find out. He didn't avoid me though when I had boyfriends. Then again he probably doesn't feel the same about me as I do for him.

I get up and decide to go back to my apartment. They are going to worry about me and plus they probably want to celebrate. I get to the door and I hesitate for some reason before I open the door. I go in and I see everyone in the living room hanging our and playing games. They see me and they all say "Happy Birthday." I smile and thank them like I know I should. Zeke runs to the kitchen and comes back carrying a big Dauntless cake. 

Uriah starts jumping up and down and screams "Cake!!! Mine, mine!!" Everyone laughs.

Zeke pulls some candles out and puts them on the cake and lights them. Uriah drags me to the cake. "Blow em out." Zeke says. 

I look at Uriah and I nod he nods back and we both blow them. 

"Ew your spit went on the cake." Shauna says. 

"You don't have to eat it." Four says. 

"Yeah more for me." Uriah says. 

"No I still want some." Shauna says. I laugh. Of course no one would pass up Dauntless cake. We all eat some. Then we start to play candor or dauntless.

"I go first it's my birthday!" Uriah shouts. "Tris candor or dauntless?" 

"dauntless." I say. 

"I dare you to tell us why you have been isolating yourself from everyone?" 

It's a trap dang. I can't tell them because it relates to Four and that girl and missing my birth family and both of those things I can't tell them. I smile at them and I pull of my jacket. Uriah glares at me."You so kind Uri." I say with a lot of sarcasam.  "Marlene candor or dauntless." 

Dauntless Born: Tris PedradWhere stories live. Discover now