Hotel Post

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So we had decided to stay over in Utah instead of going straight back to LA on the bus. We would have to quarantine wherever we went and neither of us own anywhere in the US to stay. Which means we would have to stay with friends. This might give us time to figure out where or who to stay with. We could go to Tana's but there's a few staying there. Dom has a friend that's offering us somewhere to stay but it's small and who knows how long we are going to be stuck in quarantine. We both have work permits so we aren't being shipped home. Yet. Thank god I'm not sure I want to go to an airport let alone get on an airplane.

We have another option which was a weird one. Stay at Post Malone's house in Utah. He has a bunker! I thought it's probably the best option. His house will be big enough we can have space but still have company. Plus he's kinda hot. It didn't take much convincing to get Dom to tell Post Malone we would take him up on his offer. We had met a couple of times in passing at photo shoots and award shows but we weren't friends. Him and Dom where and me and Dom are besties so we come as a package deal.

We pack up our stuff and head down to the reception. Post pulls up in a huge white velociraptor trunk. He gets out and helps Dom with the luggage. He comes over and gives me a strange look before offering me help to get in. I'm 5'4 and not made to get in trucks. I take his strong hand a take a step up swinging in my handbag and crawling in myself. It's not a long drive to his house but it's beautiful with lovely forests surrounding and the mountains making it look picturesque.

We pull up at a gated house the gates and walls surrounding must be like 10 foot tall . He punches in the code and the gates open to reveal a beautiful house. It's rustic but modern. With large glass windows all around. It's breath taking. All down the drive are pearl white cars, must be around 6 cars not including the one we are in. He runs round and helps me out before getting the luggage out and taking it in the car.

"We've not properly met I'm Austin" he holds his hand out to me once we get inside. I shake it, he holds it for a slightly longer than needed.

"Celeste, thanks for letting us stay. Hope we aren't putting you out too much" now we are stood Infront of each other I can take a good look at him. He's around 6'2 so towers over me slightly. Strong shoulders and arms. Big hands with thickish slightly calloused fingers from playing the guitar I'm assuming. His tattoos add to his attractiveness actually. I thought they would be distracting. He's got really good teeth with perfect plump pink lips. But those eyes. They are like blue crystals sparkling.

"No it's no problem darling. Plenty of room" he smiles sweetly at me "when Dom said his friend Celeste I didnt expect it to be you" he rubs the back of his neck

"Why?" I look at him confused

"I didn't think you two would be friends" Adam comes jogging down the stairs saving this awkward conversation. He pulls Dom in for a hug and comes to hug me picking me up slightly.

"Hey Adam, missed us?!" I chuckle "You saw us last night"

"Yeah but it will be fun now your here, these lot are boring" he nudges me with his shoulder

"Who else is here?" I ask no-one in particular

Adam put his arm around my shoulder to lead me into the main living area "well Michi Austin's girlfriend is here" he leans into my ear to whisper "which isn't going well" he pulls away to carry on "Kyle our resident tattooist" he nods as Kyle waves "Nick, Post's engineer" he points at him, he can't hear us he's tuning a guitar in the corner. " Michi is having a nap" he raises his eyebrows at me. "There's security around too somewhere. There's a whole recording set up in here ATM, taking advantage of the lockdown"

"I'm guessing the acoustics are better in here" I look up at the 30 ft ceilings.

"Yup" Austin comes strolling in "we did have a set up in another room but it just sounds better in here" his phone starts to ring. "One sec" he answers his facetime "hey b!!! How's quarantine treating you?"

His friend Brian "I'm making some fire music, you need to hear this stuff"

"We have Dom here now too" Dom waves from next to me

"Is that Celeste Roberts?" I wave "are you staying there too? I would love to work with you, you've got some hits under your belt. Isn't Demi Lovato's new one yours?"

"Yeah it is, nice to finally meet you Brian! Well I think I'll have a bit of downtime from now... We always seem to miss each other" I smile

"Definitely we need to Skype and make something!! Post I'll call you back when your not busy. Bye everyone"

"I'll show you to your rooms. I've took your bags to them already" he puts his hand on the small of my back to lead the way. "Dom your upstairs first on the left" Dom bounds up the stairs "you down here next to me" he opens the door to a huge room. It's lush, there's a king-size sleigh bed decorated with grey and blush cushions and matching bedding. There's a white marble bathroom no bath but a walk in shower with s bench that could fit at least 5 people in it. There's a vanity in one corner and patio doors that open up to the jacuzzi. It's stunning.

"Omg it's beautiful, I think I'm going to enjoy my stay at hotel post" I smile up at him "thank you again for having us"

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