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We both had some time off from working and we kinda got into a bit of a routine. Like we were actually living together. We would get up, have breakfast. I would go and work out while he showered, then I'd join him. We both had meetings and the studio so we would part for the majority of the day then meet later in at night. Sometimes for dinner, sometimes just to bed.

I felt good. Normal. But what would happen if one of us went on tour? Mine was scheduled soon. I wasn't sure I wanted to stop this game of house we where playing I liked it. I was pondering this as I sat in the living room watching reruns of friends eating some noodles. I heard a bang on the front door. My head shot round half expecting the door to open and Austin to walk in. He doesn't.

I slowly get up just dressed in one of Austin's t-shirts and no underwear fresh from my shower. I pad over to the front  and peep through the window. I see a shadow move In Front of the door. The gates shut and Austin's car isn't in the drive. Who could it be? I grab my phone before going to the door. I dial Austin's number.

"Hey what's up I'm just in the booth?" He sounds cranky

"Oh sorry, so your not at the door? Did you give someone the gate code?" I put my noodles down on the kitchen island on my way past to the door
"Actually I didn't hear the gate open"

"Someone's at the door? Don't answer it. Check the cameras. I've not sent anyone" whoever's on the other side of the door bangs again but louder.
"Shit is that them at the door?"

"Uh-huh, what do I do?" I check the cameras. The banging gets louder and more frequent
"You can't tell who it is, they have a scarf covering their face and a hood on Austin" I start to panic and my voice cracks

"Babe are all the doors locked?" I feel sick because I wasn't sure.

"I don't know, the person's moving they are going round to the back" I run to the sliding doors checking they are locked. I hear them banging and trying windows as they move round to the back of the house. I run to check the garage door. I can tell they are at the back now banging on the large glass doors In Front of where I was just sat.

"We are on the way, security have called the police. We will be with you soon. Get away from the doors and windows. Hide"  I started to sob as he said hide. Shit this was real. Someone was trying to get in the house. Was it her? Was it someone completely different? Did they want to just rob me or hurt me?

The person started to bang on the glass doors really loudly, they were vibrating. They moved around the house trying the rest of the doors and windows. Luckily Austin was really safety conscious since all this stalking and the security team had put so many cameras around the house.

Right now it wasn't making me feel any safer. I ran into the spare room and locked myself in the bathroom. It's the only room in the house with no windows or outside door. I heard Austin still on the line.

"What's happening, we are close"

"Sorry, I'm not sure. I've locked myself in the spare bathroom. They where trying every window and door. Constantly banging" I heard glass smash and I covered my mouth.
"Shit I think they are in the house" I whisper as the tears start to flow
"Just heard something smash"

"I'll be there real soon baby please don't cry" I hear him shouting for the driver to speed up
"What shall we do tonight? Do you want to get a pizza and go to a hotel? Please talk to me baby.." he's trying to distract me. All I can do is stare at the door waiting for someone to try and get in.

Someone's definitely in the house. I can her them moving through it. Doors being opened and then I heard nothing. Just silence.

"Babe I'm here, open the door" I crawled over to the door and flick the lock. He picks me up off the floor and just holds me.
"It's ok the police are here. They are going to take copies of the camera footage. You're safe now" I cried into his shoulder.
"Do you want to go? Security can stay and look after the house" I just nod. He picks me up bridal style
"First underwear and clothes" he kisses my forehead. He takes me into our bedroom. There's clothes everywhere. They obviously rifled through Austin's stuff. He pulls out a suitcase and fills it with some stuff for himself. He holds items of clothing up for me to decide if I want to take. He's so cute. He pulls out some underwear and I stick my legs out so he pull them on. As I lift my bum up so he can pull them over my ass he chuckles into my neck.
"I never thought I'd be putting your panties on"  I giggle and wrap my arms round his neck pulling him to lie on the bed with me.
"I'm sorry this all happened to you I'd understand if you don't want to carry on"

"Austin I love you. I'm not going anywhere" he grins at me.

"Really, even with all this?" He tries to contain his excitement.

"This isn't your fault. Well other than your bad taste in women. Other than me obviously" I smile

"Obviously. Celeste I love you too" he grins

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