Bathroom duets

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I woke up with an arm wrapped around me. It felt good. I didn't recognize the room straight away. It was Austin's room so this would be Austin's arm and we would have fell asleep chatting. As first dates went that was near perfect. Probably shouldn't have slept in here but the fact we chatted till we fell asleep is cute. I've never done that with anyone that isn't just a friend. I could hear Austin's cute little snores, I snuggled back into his chest and fell back asleep

When I eventually woke back up that arm had gone I sat up looking around. He'd tided up a bit. The empty food bags where gone along with the empty wine bottles and glasses. He'd put a bottle of water and some pain killers next to my side of the bed. He's such a cutie. I had agreed to film something for Dom's YouTube so I needed to get up and get ready. I took the painkillers and chugged the water as I peaked out of Austin's door. This was like the walk of shame but only 1 door down. I ran and jumped into my room quick hoping No1 saw me. I quickly stripped and had a shower to wake me up. I shoved in my grungiest outfit I had with me which was docs, fish nets, a checked skirt, a Nirvana tshirt and my leather jacket. I did minimal makeup with a wing and kohl in my waterline. I fluffed out my already curled hair. I wandered down to the kitchen to grab a coffee and something to eat. I lean on the counter as I savour my coffee.

"Shit, you look hot dressed like that" I look up to see Austin looking at me up and down.

"Well good morning to you too" I chuckle

"Nirvana hey?" He queries

"Yeah, who doesn't love them?Kurt Cobain is a legend and Dave Grohl is a god"

"You are the perfect woman" he pulls me in for a hug

"I'm definitely not perfect" I chuckle nuzzling into his chest.

" So why you all dressed up with nowhere to go? Where's your fuzzy slippers?" He points at my doc's.

"Dom wants to film some stuff. Think he wants to duet some cover songs" I pull myself up on the counter as he stands between my legs.

"What songs you thinking?"

"Well I know he wants to do 11 minutes. But other than that I'm not 100% sure" I play with his curls absentmindedly

"How about we do some covers? Well I want to collab with you aswell but in the meantime..." He asks nervously

"I'd love to!!!" I kiss him unexpectedly. He wraps his arms round me and pulls me closer. Someone clears there throat behind us. We both pull apart looking guilty. It was Nick.

"Dre's on zoom waiting for you mate, do you want me to say you will call him back?" Nick looks likes stifling a laugh

"No I'm coming now"

"That's what she said" Nick laughs as he walks away. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a laugh. He leans down pulls my hand away and gives me a tender kiss.

"I really enjoyed yesterday I can't wait for our second date" with that he walks off . I jump down grab some fruit and skip off to look for Dom.


Dom has me crossed legged on the sink in his ensuite with him across from me. We have filmed 11 minutes and are finishing off a certain romance by Arctic Monkeys.

Austin pops his head round the door.
"How's it going?"

"Great! We will play they back for you later if you want?" I smile up at him

"Can I get in on this duet thing?"

"What do you want to sing?" Dom jumps down to give Austin room to sit.

"Was thinking feel if you know it?" He looks to me. Shit that's a sexy one.

"Yeah I know it" Dom went getting the song ready leaving us alone. He stands up walking over to me. I swing my legs round and open then so he can stand between them. I pull him down to him wrapping my hands round his neck. I kiss him passionately. He wraps pulls me closer by my hips. We pull apart breathing heavily. "We need to plan this second date"

"Can we have 2 on the same day?" He pushes my hair behind running his finger down the side of my neck sending shivers down my entire body. A smile pulls at his lips when he sees my reaction

"Eager for something?" I mock "should we do something tonight?"

"Like what?" He kisses my lips lightly

"Video game night?" His face lights up

"Really?" I nod

"Yeah I'll kick your ass!"

"Yeah you can try!!! I'll have to clean up my gaming room after this"

"Aslong as it's not dirty and doesn't smell I don't care. I just want it to be us"

"Me too but please change out of that before you come to play games. It's very distracting" he runs a hand up my leg sending tingles straight to my core.

"That's my master plan" I kiss him softly. Dom returns and smirks at us holding eachother.

"Unless you want to sing like that I'd get back to your allocated seats" he jokes . I turn back around putting my feet in the sink keeping my knees together. Austin slides himself up on the side. Dom hands him an acoustic guitar and sets up the camera. Austin starts to play getting a feel for the song.

"I've never performed this"

"Really? And you want to do it with me with no practice?" I look at him shocked.

"Yeah I've never even done it acoustic"

"Well do you want to practice it?"

"Nah fuck it let's just see what happens. I'll take it a little slower on your verse so the tempos not too fast"he strums

"Ok let's try this. I hope I remember all the words" I screw my mouth up

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