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Ive not heard from Austin since the party and that's been 3 weeks. To be honest no-one has. Last I was told he had gone home to Utah and no-one had seen him since. Not his friends or the press. Well he's not proving much to me other than he's being a hermit, let alone that he wanted me or wants to try again.

I went to a celebrity party, Demi Lovatos birthday party. Which was a change for me, I hated celebrity parties especially all the schmoozing. I don't mind being around certain people but some just try to either get in my pants or want something from me.

I was casually sat on G's knee because my feet where hurting when I saw Austin. He looked rough. His beard was a little unruly and his hair had over grown but he'd just pulled a cap on to hide it. He stopped in his tracks when he spotted me. He saw G and shook his head walking off. I rolled my eyes and sighed. He obviously was getting the wrong impression of mine and G's relationship. I didnt have the energy to deal with him right now if he couldn't be bothered to get in touch.

It was another month before I saw him again. He looked just as bad and refused to even look at me. Obviously still salty from Demi's party. I needed refreshment so I made my way into the kitchen, when I'm shoulder barged by someone. I apologize out of politeness but hear a familiar voice complaining behind me. I turn to figure out who it is.

"You should be sorry. It's your fault me and Austin broke up" it's Austin's girlfriend from the awards show. The preppy one that loved my music. The one he was having a blazing row with at G's after-party. She didn't seem excited see me now.

"I don't know what your implying. I'm sorry you two didn't work out" I kept my voice deadpan and carried on looking at the alcohol selection.

"I'm not implying anything, I'm saying what you did" she snaps at me. I struggle to stop myself from rolling my eyes. I grab a bottle of tequila.

"And what is that exactly?" I cross my arms still holding the tequila as I stand boldly Infront of her.

"He broke up with me because of you" she was getting sassy now. I put the bottle down next to my solo cup.

"If he broke up with you it's not my fault" I shrugged. A few people started to crowd round us.

"He broke up with me because he wanted you, broke up with me for you. He's obcessed with you" she started to raise her voice at me

"Whoa, I've not heard from him since the awards show. So if he broke up with you that's all on you" I turn to pour myself a drink. She pulls my shoulder so I'm facing her again. I raise my eyebrow at her and glare at her unimpressed
"Don'" she pushes my shoulder, goading me. I set my jaw and look her straight in the face smirking. Her eyes go crazy, she lunges for me. I managed to dodge her arms. She fell into the counter knocking over some half full solo cups. I looked down at the unknown drink dripping down my leg. In that split second she was on me. Pushing me to the ground. She grabbed my hair and tried to slap me. This prissy girl had no idea how to fight, it was pathetic. I heard everyone crowding round chanting. Through the mess of hair and flailing arms I saw Austin forcing his way through the crowd to get to us. I'd had enough of this. I flipped her over so I was straddling her, which was way too easy. I pinned her down by her shoulders. I pulled my arm back and threw one punch. My fist connected with her square in the face. Her nose erupted with blood as she screamed out clutching it. The crowd went wild. I felt someone pick me up under my arms and start to drag me away. I kicked my legs out and booted her in the side before I was slung over someone's shoulder and carried off through the house and to a bathroom.

I could recognise his smell anywhere. Mint, cigarettes, beer and Tom Ford cologne. I breathed it in deep before I was sat on the counter. He checked over my face tilting my head with his hands, with a look of pure concern on his face. He brushed my hair with his hands and checked my punching hand, which was slightly grazed and red. He got a towel and soaked it in cold water, wrapping it carefully around my hand.

"Are you ok?" He finally croaked

"I'm fine thanks but thank you for this" I give him a small smile

"It's the least I can do. I'm really sorry about her...She's kinda stalking me since I broke it off with her" he rubs his neck and face
"I didnt realize she was here. My security have called the police. You may have to speak to them if you don't mind. I have a restraining order on her..."

"Yeah I'll do whatever. Wait when did this start? Why have you not said anything?" I look at him with pure shock

"Right after Berlin. We argued that night and she's been obcessed ever since. Im sorry I didn't want to drag you into all this" a tear rolls down his face "Maybe it's karma for treating you like shit"

"Don't say that... How bad is she?" I brush the tear from his face and cup it with my hand

"She's been sending my family and friends death threats, showing up everywhere. I've stopped going out because I can't shake her. I've doubled my security" he puts his hand over mine on his face "She's obcessed with the fact Im in love with you so I didn't want to put you in danger being around you" his eyes widen when he realises what he's just said

"You love me?"

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