Too many shoes

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I didnt realize when Dom said his friend Celeste that it was going to be that Celeste Roberts. I didn't even know they knew eachother. I go round to help her to get in my truck I didn't know she was that small either. Not that you can tell off pictures, I've never really met her. We've seen eachother at party's and stuff. She's stunning in the flesh. Petite but curvaceous. Brunette hair down to her tiny waist. High cheekbones, a cute little nose, naturally plump lips and big blue eyes. I was shocked at her attire though. Not what I thought she'd wear in her spare time, unless they were Dom's. Battered checkered vans, black sweats with checkered stripe down the side, some sort of black top with a black leather jacket. Thought she would be less grunge more preppy.

We drove to my house not speaking with just my Spotify on in the background. She was singing along softly looking out the window at the scenery. She looked so peaceful. Quite surprised at her singing along with some of the songs. Not the genre I thought she'd like. However she is apparently best friends with yungblud so you learn something new everyday.

Once we arrived I ran round to help her get out, then unloaded truck. She was looking at the house in amazement. It made me proud. I let them in and introduced myself officially. Adam came doen, he obviously knows her well to pick her up and out his arm round her. Hes not the best with women especially ones he doesn't know well. While he introduced them to everyone I went to put the truck the garage and put the bags in their rooms.

As I came back she was talking about the acoustics. She knows her stuff. We got interrupted by Brian facetiming, he proper fan girled over Celeste. I think I need to do some research on her. I'm obviously missing something.

I went to show them their rooms, I put my hand on her back. I had the urge to either pull her close or grab her ass. I shook my head trying to shake the thought. Me and Michi aren't talking but she's still in the house. Dom ran up the stairs into the room and closed the door... Don't need to show him then. I'd put Celeste in the room next to me. It's was the nicest and I thought she'd appreciate being away from all the boys. Now I'm glad she's close to me. Her eyes bulged when she saw the room. She looked around in awe. It was cute. She was cute. Im glad I asked them to stay.

I'm going to have to do some research on her now. And then get to know her. I don't want to sound stupid. There's something about her confidence that makes me nervous.

I excuse myself to my bedroom. Sitting on the couch googling her. Gratefull that Michi had moved out of my room a few days ago and was now on the other side of the house upstairs. We started dating just before the outbreak and she was with me on tour. We've known each other for a while but she lives in Japan. Everything was great when we first went into quarantine, now we couldn't be around each other alone for too long. We where grating on each other . She was too emo for me. I read Celeste's discography and realise how many songs I actually know and how many people she's collaborated with, a few I have done collabs with too. She's got quite a few celebrity friends, a few we have in common. Surprised it's took this long to properly meet. I put my ear buds in and play a playlist of her songs on Spotify. She's good. Some of these I know and didn't realise it was her. I put some on my playlist. Maybe I can get her to collab with me. I go to images, mostly pictures of her either performing or on the red carpet. She wasn't too overly sexy, mix between cute and classy. Untill I found the mirror selfies in her underwear. Shit she's hot. She's got the small waist with ass and titties. It's not my usual type but I had a semi just looking at a pictures. How have I seriously missed this girl? Her exes include at least one of my friends and maybe I'm in with a chance as she seems to have a type. Tall, tattooed and in the industry.

Celeste POV

I don't think I have a swimsuit for the jacuzzi, I may have to do some online shopping. I make a mental note to ask for the address I can get something shipped to. I look out of the patio doors and realise I can see into his bedroom. He has patio doors that come out to the jacuzzi too. He's sat with earbuds in listening to music. He looks really into it and staring at his phone intently. He looks cute when he's concentrating.

I start to unpack taking out my clothes. It's a good job I had pack for coming with Dom because if it had been an event for me my wardrobe would be alot less comfortable. I would probably have to purchase some stuff because I only packed light. I was only supposed to in the US for a few days. I came to see Dom while he was performing before I was supposed to go on a promotional tour. That's obviously cancelled now. The songs have been released anyway. I'm not hugely popular in America. It's always hit and miss. Some songs do really well. Like don't start now. That's even got its own tik tok... You know you've made it when they do a tik tok to your song.

There was a knock on the door

I opened it to find Austin stood awkwardly looking down and his bare feet

"Hey" I lean against the door

"We are going to order in if your hungry?" He brings his eyes up to meet mine

I smile "I'm starving, come in while I find my phone" I open the door wide. "Can you check if it's under those shoes please?"

"Nice collection of shoes" he looks impressed picking up a pair of docs and some Nike air force 1s "but why do you have more shoes than clothes" he chuckles

"Don't laugh, I didnt know what we where doing and now I'm realising I don't have enough clothes here for the apocalypse" I start emptying my case on the bed, shifting through the clothes. I see him come over to help. He picks up a lace bodysuit raising his eyebrow

"Where was you planning on wearing this?" He chuckles

"Well you've always got to be ready" I tease pulling it out if his hand and whipping his ass with it. "I've found it! Let's go"

"Where was it?" He says holding the door for me

"Don't say a word, In my puma trainer" I stick my tounge out at him

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