Weighted Down

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Austin's POV

My head felt fuzzy, it was throbbing like I could feel my pulse behind my eyes. My eyes, they were blurry and the light was making it hard to keep them open. I couldn't figure out what had happened, when had Celeste arrived? and why can't I remember us starting to have sex? I don't remember seeing her at all. I wasn't into this, that's all I knew. I was soft. Why would Celeste try and have sex with me while I was in this state? Surely she wasn't enjoying this? My heart was beating ridiculously fast and I was struggling to breathe. The music in the background seems muffled like I was under water. It seemed to be getting further away like I was moving but I could still feel I was on the couch i'm guessing in my dressing room. I tried to lift my arms again, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist pulling it up. My hand was placed on something soft and supple, the hand forces me to squeeze. I'm guessing this is a breast. It doesn't feel right. It's not as firm or as big as Celestes. I know her body like the back of my hand and that definitely isn't Celeste. I start to panic, which causes my heart rate to increase. I try to sit up pulling my hand away from the foreign body on top of me. I start to buck my hips trying to get from underneath whoever was on top of me. My body didn't seem to move much, I felt like I was trying with all my might but I wasn't getting anywhere. I started to feel woozy, my head started to spin. I heard the music getting louder and i try to shout out but my words came out muddled and croaky. I squint my eyes closed because a bright light shines down on me adding to my confusion. I hear someone that sounds like Adam shouting 'Celeste'. My Celeste? I want to see her, I need to see her. I fight the drowsiness and my heavy limbs but it's no use.  I see the bright lights shine down on me again and I wonder what it could be? Where would have  a spotlight on me. Was I on stage?I hear a lot of shouting and it sounds like it's getting closer. Then the weight on top of me is gone. I try to move again as I hear someone shouting my name. I mutter Celeste's name as loud as I can hoping she can hear me as I struggle to try and sit up.My body jerks to the right and I feel myself slipping, landing with a thud hitting my head. Then it's dark and echoey , like cavernous.  I can't hear the shouting anymore but I can hear my heartbeat getting slower. 

Celeste's POV

I couldn't breathe now, it hurt to inhale. I had been so excited to see him and now seeing that I felt my heart break a little. I never thought he would actually cheat on me.Of all the things cheating never even crossed my mind. Thought that year apart had clarified to him how much we meant to each other. That we where end game. Looks like I was just being naive again. Pat looked panicked as he caught me. He had no idea what was going on or what had happened inside, he didn't even know I was here. I was hunched over clutching hold of the arm of his jacket. Struggling to get enough oxygen in my system to form any words to explain to him why I was in this state. I was trying to gulp in air as Adam nearly slammed into us as he came barging through the exit after me. He rubbed my back trying to soothe me, tears in his eyes as he watched me falling apart in front of him.

"Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on?!" Pat stroked my hand that was holding onto him for dear life.

"Post is fucking some girl in his dressing room" Adam spat the words out. I couldn't hold back the sobs. Hearing those words shattered my heart. Made it real. I had just seen the man I loved and who I thought loved me having sex with another woman. I hadn'th even stuck around to get a look at who it was

"I'm going to be sick" I ran to the nearest trash can and Adam came over to hold my hair and rub my back.

"Take her to the other bus, imma get her case and find out what the fuck he's doing" I feel Pat kiss the top of my head before he storms off through the fire exit doors. His anger radiating from him. Adam led me off gently towards the bus, enveloping me in his arms as I sobbed into his shoulder. He sat me on the couch on the bus moving the clothing and rubbish that was littering it. He crouched in front of me rubbing my arms as I cried softly into my hands. He lay soft kisses on the top of my head. Mummering apologies to me for getting him drunk.

"I don't know why he would have done that, he's been so miserable missing you. He loves you, Why would he spoil that? He couldn't have been that wasted. We drank about the same and he can normally drink me under the table" He wasn't really talking to me, he was running it through his mind. Trying to make sense of what we have just witnessed. I don't understand it either. I know people have said he's cheated in the past but I always felt secure about that side of our relationship. I never thought he would do that. No matter how sexually frustrated he was. Maybe I was stupid to think our relationship was any different.

"Why would he do that to me?" The words came out dripped in pain and my voice cracked at the end as I started to sob again. Adam moved to sit next to me pulling me into a hug. I don't know how long he sat and held me, rocking me.

We heard a commotion outside, screaming, shouting , sirens and blue flashing lights. We turned to see a large group of people pushing through the double fire exit doors. An ambulance crew running out of the venue with a stretcher being directed by numerous police officers. "What the fuck is going on?!" I choked out as I saw who was on the stretcher. 

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