The show must go on

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I didn't get much chance to digest what had just happened untill I was stood waiting to go on stage. I started to get nervous. He's never seen me live and I knew with that incident that's just happened he would be watching. Im definitely still attracted and have feelings for him, I can't deny it. I shake my body trying to get my head in the game. This is a big performance. A medley with a special guest.

I put my game face on as soon as the music started to play. On cue I popped up on stage and gave it my all. The dancers and choreography went well. I sounded good and the transistons from song to song where flawless. I knew I looked good, as each song changed do did my outfit. One of the dancers would alter my outfit, removing parts of it as we went along. I ended up scantily clad as I sang 'Hotter than hell'

 I ended up scantily clad as I sang 'Hotter than hell'

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I caught Austin's eye as I danced. I could see his eyes practically drop out while his mouth was wide open. I'm pretty sure I saw him re adjust himself in the groin area. I played on it and he knew it. My moves became more deliberate, deeper, sexier. I flicked my hair and popped my booty. I'll make sure he knows what he did. He fucked up.

The lights went out and a spotlight dropped on G-easy. I saw Austin's face drop. I swayed my hips as a spotlight followed me to the middle of the stage. G met me there. We flirted and danced together as we sung. I watch Austin's jaw clench as G runs his hand down my curves and squeezes my ass.  I bump him with my booty as I saunter away to finish the set.

I reach my dressing room and start to undress when Austin barges in the room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I try and cover up.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He retorts

"Well I was getting dressed till you rudely interrupted. Please turn around" he didn't. He walked towards me. I started to walk backwards away from him untill I was backed up against a wall. He runs his finger along the zip of my outfit. All the way down to the crotch. His breath hitches. He pulls his hand away like touching me hurt him and he backed off and turns around. I shake my head and start to undress. I feel very vulnrerable with him in such a close proximity. I want him to touch me even after everything. I want him to make me feel good. I want him to feel things for me but I think that's too much to ask for.

I quickly change into my next outfit.

"Austin, can you please make yourself useful and do my zip?" He turns round and gulps

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"Austin, can you please make yourself useful and do my zip?" He turns round and gulps. He snakes his arm around my waist to hold me in place as he zips up the dress. I feel his hot heavy breath on my neck. He grazes my shoulder with his lips. I close my eyes at the sensation. He plants light kisses up my neck to my jawline.

"Austin what are you doing? You have a girlfriend and I'm still mad at you"

"I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about you. I know I fucked up. I'm a selfish dick...You know green is my favourite colour" I look over my shoulder and smirk at the colour comment "You wore it to get a reaction out of me didn't you?" His eyes narrow as he smirks down at me. He spins me round to face him. Leaning down to kiss me. just before his lips meet mine there's a knock on my dressing room door. "Ignore it" he demands snaking his arm round my waist pulling me against him. I feel his bulge push against my stomach. I push his chest and put some distance between us.

"I can't do this" I shake my head as I turn to the door. I crack it open just a little. It's Dre. I roll my eyes and swing the door open.

"Cheryl is wondering where you are" he looks over to Austin who looks fuming we've been interrupted.

"Austin, leave your girlfriends waiting on you" I try to keep my neutral.

"I don't give a fuck we need to talk" he looks straight at me.

"Talk about what? You have a girlfriend. I'm not talking to you about anything while your in a relationship" he shakes his head

"You won't even let me apologize?" He huffs.

"You have had a long time to apologize to me and you still haven't done it" I spit. He winces.

"I am sorry. Please give me the opportunity to explain" he reaches out for me and I pull away

"Cheryl's waiting Austin" his eyes drop and he leaves

"He really is sorry" Dre rubs my shoulder before he follows Austin. I make my way back to my seat, avoiding looking towards Austin. I can feel his stare as I walk by. I can feel his stare for the rest of the show

We get changed once more for the after-party.

I knew he would be at the same after party as me

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I knew he would be at the same after party as me. It was inevitable. We liked the same music and the had mutal friends in the business. Especially seeing as it was my ex boyfriend that  I'm still friends with who was throwing the party. G had arranged a massive party at a nearby club.  He had gone all out and there where all sorts of celebrity's milling about. I saw Austin and his girlfriend sat nearby to G.

I headed to the toilet. I needed to clear my head. Seeing Austin and being so close to him had brought all those feelings back. But I didn't want to forget about the hurt I'd felt. The fact that he just didn't get how his actions had made me feel.

My thoughts where interrupted by Austin blatantly waking into the toilet and locking the door. He takes a couple of long strides till he reaches me and traps me between the sink and him. He pulls me against him with one hand and the other strokes my cheek

"I needed to see you. I need to speak to you. I've felt like shit the past year. I can't shake you from my head. I know I fucked up but I need you to talk to me. I need to make it up to you. Please just say you will let me try?"

"I will when you prove to me that your serious" I push myself out of his grip and walk towards the door.

"You look so beautiful tonight" he leans against the sink "In all 15 outfits" he gives me a cheesy grin
"I'm going to prove to you that my apology is sincere"

I take my seat back next to G and I see Austin not too long after me take his back next to Dre and his girlfriend. Austin started to stare again, stare that much that his girlfriend noticed. The next thing I knew they where full out screaming at eachother in the middle of the party.

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