Taco bell

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I have had a really good time with Celeste she's funny and silly which I think I need. I'm a massive geek and I don't want to be serious all the time. She's really sarcastic which I love. I can't believe she didn't want to sit on the hood just incase she damaged it. Definitely not a gold digger. I don't want to back to the house because I don't want to have to share her with them.

We where in the car on the way back singing along to some Fleetwood Mac. I turned the music down.

"What's up?" She looks over at me

"What's the deal with the bin bags?"I laugh

"Omg" she laughs covering her face "it's nothing really, I don't know if this is a thing in America but when I was a kid Halloween wasn't that big of a thing. When we went trick or treating we didn't have costumes we wore cheap witches masks or my mum would do face paint and our costume would be a bin bag sellotaped round us"

"Really, it's it not that big in the UK?"

"Not like it is here, I love it. It's like my favourite"

"So Disney at Halloween would get me major brownie points. I'll keep that in mind" he taps his head

"Don't tease me" she giggles

"Shall we go get food for everyone?"

"Yes I really don't want to cook. I just want to chill out have a drink and talk"

"With me?"

"Of course with you who else?" She squeezes my arm

"Taco bell?"

"Yeah sure I've never had it" she shrugs

"I need to give you a crash course of American food. Wait till this pandemic is over. I'm going to get you fat with all the food I'm going to make you eat!!"

"Your a feeder!! You'll get me fat so noone wants me anymore and I have to stay with you. I know your game!" She fakes being shocked

"Your caught me! Sorry I admit it" she leans over and kisses me. It takes me by suprise. I pull into the car park and she's kisses me again, deepening the kiss. Holding my face in her hand. We see a flash. Shit. That's all we need. I reluctantly look over at her. She just shrugs.

"If they sell it it's fine, what's the worst that could happen? They call me for Michi still being in the house. I don't care Austin. I really like you" shit I wasn't expecting that reaction. I really want to kiss her but it's probably not the best time. Fuck it. I cup her beautiful face and kiss her on the lips softly.

"I really like you too"

Celeste POV

We go through the drive thru and order for everyone. He orders far too much. He's like a child with a black card. He loads the food into the boot. When he gets back in he grabs my hand holding it while he drives. It's something so simple but I loved it. Once we got back to the house we unloaded the food and shouted everyone to come down. He grabbed ours and pulled me to his room.

"I'm not ready for this date to be over" we walk in and he lays the food on the bed puts a couple of bottles of wine down and 2 wine glasses. "I'm just going to change my pants, put whatever film on the TV"


"Yeah" he pops his head out of the bathroom

"Where's the TV?" I say looking around

"Oh shit yeah, the remote on the bedside table...press the on button" I reluctantly do as he says and the TV comes out from the bottom of his bed. I kick off my shoes and take my jacket off. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and sit crossed legged on the bed.

Austin's POV

I change into some sweatpants so we can get comfy. This is what she said she wanted do so I thought at least we could have some privacy in here. I came out of the bathroom and just admired the view. She looked perfect. Hair up, crossed legged and comfy.

"What are you doing? come sit and we can eat" she calls me over. I grab a bottle of wine and pour us both a glass. Taking a seat next to her.

"Right what did you pick?"

"Empire record's" she grins

"Nice. So first taco bell! Are you excited?" I tickle her side

"Woohoo yeah!!!" She swats my hand away

"Right start with...the crunchwrap supreme" I hand it over to her and grab a nacho

"Mmm this is so good! What's next?" She hands it back and I take a bite.

"Try a quesadilla?" I grab some fries. "This is a normal taco, this one's a soft taco and that is a burrito. You need to try them all"

"Okay, I like this quesadilla too. There's not many taco bells in the uk I feel like I'm missing out"

We pig out on the food until we can't eat anymore. I move it off the bed so we can stretch out quizzing eachother on our favourite music and films. We end up lying on our sides looking at eachother talking about tour and the lifestyle. "I love touring but it's hard. Especially this last one"

"Yeah that ones been a long one hasn't it? I need to come to a show when we are allowed. I've seen you live once and that was when you performed with Ozzy, which was epic by the way"

"Thanks I think I've only ever seen bits of you performing. Considering your on at every awards show "

"I'm not on at every awards show don't be so dramatic"

"Practically, I'm surprised we haven't met before this. Especially seen as you where seeing one of my friends" I joke

"Don't remind me G does enough. What was I thinking!"

"G's a good man. Sometimes"

"Yeah you try dating him!"

"He's not my type" I flick my hair

" Oh yeah so what is your type?" She curls my hair round her finger

"You" I boop her nose

"Smooth operator" she pulls my head towards her and kisses me.

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