Date no2

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The duet was great I nearly lost concentration watching him. He was mesmerising when he sings especially with his guitar. I remembered the words and the sexual tension was thick in the room. Even Dom looked uncomfortable. We only did the one take and Dom said it was perfect. Raw emotion and he didn't want us to overwork it. Austin jumped down with his guitar and kissed me in the cheek before he left. I slumped down on the counter in defeat. I wanted him bad and I'm guessing he felt the same with him trying to rush the dates. I have a rule no sex before the 3rd date. So by this rate we will be having sex in 2 days! I'm ready. I've got an idea but I will need help to execute it. Got to think of a 3rd date yet!

I head to my room to get changed. Part of me wanted to tease him but then it would be so easy for us to just give in and fuck in his game room. I didn't want to do that, this felt different. Like this could last after the lockdown. That I could see myself falling for him and us committing. I pull some joggers on and leave my nirvana t-shirt on. I pull my fluffy UGG sliders on and grab a Posty co hoodie.

Austin walks out of his room as I come out of mine. He hugs me from behind nuzzling into my neck.
"Hey beautiful, want to grab us snack and drinks and meet me in that room" he points to the room directly across from mine.

"Sure" I kiss his cheek and walk off. I turn to see him watching me walk "stop perving!" I chuckle

"Never" he shouts before he heads into the room

I grab a bag and start to gather goodies. Crisp, dips, chocolate, sweets, soft drinks and bud light. Kyle comes in grinning watching me.
"You two are getting along" he chuckles

"Shut up! Leave us alone" I blush

"Loves young dream hey!" He nudges my shoulder. As I escape quickly knowing my face is now bright red

I let myself into the room, he's fluffing up the pillows and putting blankets down on the couch for us. This room is decked out. The screen is huge and by the looks of it is had multiple different gaming consoles attached to it. The huge l shaped couch looked comfy and there was rows and rows of games to choose from. He smiles at me as I peek around the door.
"What's up you looked flushed?" He looks concerned

"Oh, it was nothing. Just bumped into Kyle. He was making fun of us being so close" I dump the stuff on the couch

"I like us being close" he reaches over the couch grabs me and pulls me over onto him lap.

"Me too" I kiss his nose and climb off sorting the goodies out putting them on the coffee table.

"What do you want to play first?"

"Anything you pick I've not played any since I was a kid"

"I'll pick something I know I can beat you then!" He grins

"I'll still win" I shrug "told you I cheat"

We spent the next 2 hours playing various games. Both of us winning some. Austin was winning as I was being a sore loser. I decided to tease him a little

Austin's POV

She was being a baby about me winning. She just wasn't as good as me on COD I had alot of practice. We played this all the time on the tour. I wasn't paying her much attention so I didn't notice her stopping playing til she stood Infront of me. She slowly took off her hoodie. Her t-shirt lifting up showing off her stomach her sweatpants riding dangerously low I could see her underwear. I knew she was doing this to distract me but now I wasn't bothered. I felt my dick twinge at the knowing smirk on her face

"Shame, you look good in my merch" I mock. Trying not to let her distraction win. I see the smirk drop off her face. She climbs on the couch next to me and starts to play with my hair. I love my hair being played with. I leaned my head into it. She untangled her fingers running her finger across my shoulder and down my arm. Next thing she ducks under my arms and straddles my lap. I smirk at her still looking over her shoulder. She graze's her lips across my face down my jaw then attaches to my neck kissing sucking and lightly nipping her way down. Shit that feels good. She nibbles my earlobe. Fuck it. I throw the controller down and grab her ass. She looks up with a devilish grin. She kisses me hard. She bites on my lip causing me to moan, she slides in her tongue smiling at the win. I run a hand up her top stroking the small of her back. I feel her grind into me. This was getting dangerous if we wanted to keep it PG. She scraped her nails across my shoulders. Sending shivers down my back. She pulled my t-shirt over my head running her hands across my bare chest. I pulled hers over her head and kissed down her neck to her chest. I run my hands across her back and down her sides watching the goosebumps apear. Now we are definitely getting carried away. I pull away.
"We should stop before something happens. Not that I don't want it to" I swallow hard "because I really do. Just, this is not taking it slow" she tries to regulate her breathing

"Yeah your right, sorry I got carried away with the teasing" she smiles with her tongue stick out the side.

"The teasing was good, real good. Maybe a bit too good" I chuckle rearranging myself in the trouser department. She widens her eyes and crawls off me putting her t-shirt back on.

"Sorry!" She blushes

""Wanna watch a film?" I hold her hand out to go to my room

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