⋙ Chapter Six

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I am convinced that we could be friends
We have several interests in common

We Could Be Friends ~ Freelance Whales


“Who's ready to record their pieces today?” Mr Howard asked, his smile fading when only Troye’s hand went up.

It was music, and we’d finally finished warming up our voices. Last week we’d been told to choose a song we like, practice it, and record it. I had chosen the song Latch, and learnt it on the violin. No one in the class could play it, and I knew it would impress the teacher. I’d recorded it the lesson before, and been given a thumbs up by Mr Howard afterwards. I’d planned to doss around with Zoe for the rest of the term, but act as if I was helping her when asked.

“Right, who’s nowhere near ready?” Mr Howard asked, his faith in the class lost. Almost every hand shot up, including Zoe’s. “Well, I guess you all better get practising.”

I headed off with Zoe, and sat next to her as she attempted to write the piece. She'd chosen Problem, which was surprisingly difficult to write for the piano. Whenever it didn't sound right I was ordered to look up the notes online.

It was going smoothly for about three minutes. Then Mr Howard headed towards me. “What are you planning on doing this lesson, Tyler?”

“I'm helping Zoe-”

“Uh, I think not. I know what you’re like. Zoe hasn’t finished the piece yet, and I don’t want her to get distracted.” Zoe and I started to protest but he silenced us. "There’s not debating it - you’re not working together. Besides, I have a special task in mind for you Tyler. If you’d like to follow me...”

He moved away, alreading knowing I would comply. I walked behind him towards one of the outer rooms, which were filled with barely any students. Pupils milled about as they searched for the best instruments. No one wanted the damaged ones - like the guitar with three strings or the damaged djembe drums. People were already arguing over who was allowed to play on the newer keyboards.

“Troye? Come over here a minute.” Me Howard called out, standing on his tiptoes to see where he was.

I spotted the familiar face emerge from the recording room. He looked over to me, frowned, and slowly made his way over. “Yes sir?”

“I was thinking you two could do a joint piece, using Troye's song.”

“Why?” Troye asked before I could.

“You’re the only ones who've actually finished the task. I know a violin accompaniment would make your song that bit more powerful. Give it a bit more umph. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I think it would benefit both of you tremendously, though.”

We looked at one another, silently questioning the other. I didn’t know how to respond. We never did duets, just group work or solos. It would be challenging, but maybe if it was with Troye…

“I guess so,” Troye said hesitantly, still looking at me.

“I’m down for it,” I nodded, facing Mr Howard once more.

Relief washed over his face. His shoulders relaxed and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Good. I'm glad. I’ll get Naomi off the grand piano so you can practice on that instead of on a keyboard, okay?” He didn’t wait for a response. Straight away he marched over to Naomi, already making wild gestures for her to get off.

"'Down for it'? Really?" Troye raised an eyebrow.

"Shush," I said, blushing. "It's a cool kid thing."

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