Chapter 7: Chicken Buckets and Lies

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Chapter 7: Chicken Buckets and Lies

Flint Morgan

Flint opened his door in a rush, sweat dribbled down his brow in utter contempt of physical activity in general. He still couldn't believe that he kissed that women. He ran away fast for about thirteen blocks until he jaggedly heaved his breath and walked the rest of the way there. He half expected the woman he had kissed to be chasing him with a bat down the street. Normal people don't go around kissing strangers in subways.

His head sunk as he fell down face first onto his plush black couch.

It was just the fact that she didn't know him.

That was the electricity that hurtled him towards her.

He loved that kiss. More than he had a right to. It was a stolen kiss, but nonetheless was spectacular.

It was better than sunshine and a million kittens or puppies, he didn't know how it was possible and he wanted it to last years and years.


It hit him like a ton of bricks. If she was the only one who could see him, what did that mean?

What was so special about her?

He knew that he should have stuck around to find out, but he couldn't help but run for the hills.

Especially after that amazing kiss, to face the truth of the real her, after all that, it was impossible for him to do.

Her cherry lips and the scent of her tropical mango shampoo lingered on his clothes.

He knew for a fact that it wasn't any strong perfume.

It was just her.

A woman whose name he didn't know and a woman who he would likely never see again.

He hated that.

He hated that all he had left of her was a scent and a memory.

Flint laid on his stomach thinking over every detail of it until he saw his laptop on the ledge of the coffee table.

Flint opened up the laptop with a strong curiosity clinging to him.

He began to enter his password, luckily, the laptop remembered him from the chip inside of it.

It took a while, but eventually those circular mesmerizing dots stopped spinning.

His laptop opened to a huge background screen of a chicken bucket from KFC beside the one and only; Colonel Sanders .

Flint chuckled to himself for a moment, he must of changed it while he was drunk.

He had no idea he was that proficient in drunkenness.

He was kind of proud of it... but that was just a distraction from his curiosity.

He needed to know.

Flint opened the colorful "g" shaped icon for Google.

Flint's hands laid steady over the cursor as he began to type in his question to the white rectangular box supposedly full of answers.

His hands quickly and nervously typed his question.

The melodic and rhythmic sound of the clacking of the keyboard helped him continue to write the question as his nervousness stretched him far like the cheese in mozzarella sticks.

Is Flint Morgan in Morgan Enterprises?

Flint quickly reached over and hit the "Enter" button with one eye closed in suspense.

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