Chapter 19: Gone With the Wind

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Chapter 19: Gone With the Wind

Flint Morgan

“What did you do, Flint!” Jay's voice pierced through the other side of the phone in jagged anger.

Confusion swept across Flint.

He cocked an eyebrow and retorted. “I did what you asked me! I got her to hate me! Are you happy now? ‘cause I sure as hell am not."

Flint ruffled his hand through his hair in frustration.

Jay pressed on. “You two are unlinked  How did you do it, Flint? Did you kill her? Why is she not showing up on our monitor?”

Every bit of his tone shredded agony and worry.

Vexation and confusion bore into Flint now. “Kill her?” He repeated incredulously.

Jay sounded as confused as he was at this point. “Why is she not showing up on our monitors? I've racked my brain for the last hour but the only thing I've been able to come up with was you. Are you saying you never touched her?”

Flint shook his head. “No. I couldn't hurt her even if I wanted to. I love her too much.”

His tone began to falter at that last sentence.

Jay sighed. “Well then…she's in danger. I don't know who has her…but I know she's not alive. The monitor says the vitals are nonexistent. I chipped her when I kissed her before talking to Carter about his mistake.”

Flint's eyes widened. “What! You kissed her! And what mistake? Who is this guy, Carter?" Anger and confusion shook through him.

Jay just answered, “ Oh…Carter? He just made some girl at his office pregnant. We were paying him to keep an eye on Kate and not the redhead in his office. We argued about it but finally decided it would be best to get rid of the redhead. She was getting close to Carter anyways.”

“So how does a kiss have anything to do with Carter or Kate?”

Jay acted like it was obvious. “Obviously that was the only way to chip her. I got close enough to her and pretended to be Jared. It was quite easy ya know. That girl falls for any rich guy in the vicinity.”

Jay laughed but this only made Flint's brows furrow further.

“She is not just into rich guys! She liked me for me before any of you idiots came in and wrecked it all." He huffed out an angry snort.

Jay chuckled at that patronizingly. “Do you really believe that, Flint?”

Flint let a beat of silence beat between them.

Jay laughed again. “Man, that girl really has you blind.” He paused and then said, “She was forced to hang out with you. You know that right? Phoenix offered her a wipe of her memory from the night she ran away from Jared. Then—and this part gets me every time—she agreed to force you to stay here with us. But that just played into our plan. It was so great. You guys performed just like we expected you to.”

Flint growled angrily and then hung up.

Jay was right. He acted just the way that they had predicted. To a tee.

Ruffling his hair through his fingers once more, he decided where he would be going.

Getting on the subway, his heart melted to the uncomfortable seats.

He shouldn't of fallen for her. He could've been gone by now if he didn't.

Worry washed over him while he contemplated how to escape Jay and Phoenix's reign. The problem, however, was that maybe he was playing right into their plot. He'd been doing it all along without noticing it. How was now any different? Jay could've said those things over the phone to just prompt him into the next part of their wicked plan.

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