Chapter 31: Loving a Hostage

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Chapter 31: Loving a Hostage

Flint Morgan

He hated Kate more than anything in the world. How could she ever think that they had something? Moreover…how could he ever think there was something between them? Flint guessed maybe the bullet messed up his rationalization skills too. He could never like a killer.

God, the thought of it made him sick to stomach.

Turning towards the subway station once again, Flint's determined feet charged into the station like he was going into battle. Back when he was basically flying down those stairs away from Kate, Flint felt something that he'd been dismissing for quite a while.

He felt guilty somehow.

Seeing Kate's face plastered on the news made him toil too, and yet, he didn't know why.

He had this strange and unexplainable feeling that he should make sure nothing or no one harms Kate.

Flint's heart wallowed in this peculiar thought. Why was he so protective of her?

Maybe if he talked with her again he could figure it out.

Entering the subway finally, he sat with another huge lump in his chest. He tried to shake off the feeling that there was something between Kate and him, but it still remained there in the ruins of all of the questions yet to be answered.

After it seemed to be hours of sitting on the subway, Flint's body finally screeched to a halt.

Flint plucked his feet up as he sifted through the crowd to find the exit. 

His heavy heart followed him all the way to exit and finally he was on solid ground, looking up at the prison that they said Kate was in. Suddenly looking at it so close, Flint couldn't figure out why he had went to her. There just seemed to be this magnetic pull that they had on each other.

He soon found himself all to eager to see her. Hiding another strange smile in his back pocket, he still wondered why he was feeling so happy to see her. Constantly Flint had to remind himself, she's a killer. She's a killer.

But, with each time he reminded himself of this, the less he believed it.

Confused, Flint circled the block until the darkness of the night circumvented the air. It was as if he couldn't open the door to the prison. As the sun's voice of light and guidance slowly trickled out, Flint was left with a single clarity in the darkness.

He needed to talk to Kate.

Flint needed to figure out their connection before all the questions left unanswered consumed him.

Hesitatingly, Flint's feet moved undeterred by his head to the prison doors.

Flint's heavy grenade eyes went off at the sight that the door was still open, even though it seemed empty. Squeezing through the door, his breath sped up to catch up with his soundless and slow steps.

The walls were shuddering a dark blue and bruised appearance as worn tiles followed his steps forward. As he moved forward however, Flint strangely heard a solid shot of cries that echoed off the cool tile.

Flint's feet sped towards the sound with an almost fearless intention.

Following the sound of the crying and struggling, Flint's heart stopped when he saw it.

Kate's charcoal hair dangled from the cell as a man wrapped his arm around her throat. The man kept shaking her and screaming at her. Flint looked at the two back and forth. As Kate's ocean eyes began to drain out, Flint decided he had to do something.

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