Chapter 20: Full Slate

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Chapter 20: Full Slate

Katelyn Bishop

Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Almost immediately her gaze fell to her stomach where she was stabbed. Was she dead? Looking down to her stomach, she found her stab wound stitched up. Her sides leaked a sharp pain as her brain tried to catch up to what was happening.

Looking at her hands she found them to be strained by cuffs tied to a chair.

Her gaze then scanned the area around her.

She was in some sort of lab.

A startling white shade covered each of the walls while beakers laid bubbling away.

Katelyn began to scream for help. “Hey! Help! This crazy lady kidnapped me!”

Suddenly Drake walked through the door. A lab coat laid on her skin and a grinning expression painted her face. It all looked so creepy to Katelyn. Here she was tied up and then her captor was acting like it was all fine.

Drake slowly came closer to her. “Oh, you're awake. That's great. Do you like blueberry pancakes?”

Huh? Katelyn's forehead wrinkled at the confusion.

“What exactly is going on here?” Katelyn's brows narrowed at Drake sharply.

Drake ignored her question completely. “Do you like syrup on your pancakes?”

Katelyn became more and more angered. “Yes, I do. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about why you kidnapped, why you didn't kill me when you had a chance, and hell, while we're at it, who the hell are you?”

Drake gave her a quarter of a grin as she unlocked her bounds slowly.

“I unlinked you two so he could disappear without taking you.”


“Ah, that’s right, Phoenix would have lied to you. Okay. Let’s start off with the complete truth.”

Drake took a long breath in and began.

“You and Flint were connected because you made Dr. Phoenix’s sister die. It was her revenge.  Phoenix's sister was my mom.”

She paused and a tear slipped down out of her ocean eyes.

“My mother's name was Jessica Baxter. She was the scientist. Phoenix was never a scientist. Phoenix was just using my mother's work to make the two of you disappear.”

Katelyn tried to sputter out words but none formed on her lips.

Drake continued. “Using my mother's formula, she was able to link two people to disappear at the same time. So I unlinked you two so that only Flint would disappear. Now, he's gone.”

Katelyn's eyes lit a flame of surprise. “Gone?”

“Gone,” Drake confirmed with a light nod.

Katelyn ran her ruby red nails through her hair.

Looking down at her tattered stomach, she asked, “I don't get it. Why didn't you kill me?”

Drake's eyes shifted and she began pacing the tiled floor.

“Do you really want to know?”

Katelyn looked at Drake with furrowed brows. “Yes. I need to know. I just don't get it. Why would you stab me and then stitch me up. Aren't you supposed to leave me bleeding in an alleyway.”

Drake cleared her throat and then spoke hoarsely.

“I didn't kill you because I actually somewhat wanted my mother dead.”

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