Chapter 26: Joining the Darkside

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Chapter 26: Joining the Darkside

Flint Morgan

Flint awoke with strangers beside him. Confusion danced in his eyes as he looked around. A man laid splayed on the floor, curling with agony. The man towering over him had a devilish gleam to his eyes. The man grabbed a knife from his pocket and held it to the other man sprawled on the floor.

The man yelled out, “Jared, you were supposed to be my son. You were supposed to help me defeat Kate. Kate's father ran out with my wife, Isla. Why did you have to grow a conscience after everything you've done?"

Flint looked up at him with quirked brows as the man brought the knife closer to Jared.

He screamed out at the man. “Hey!”

Suddenly the man's eyes glared at Flint murderously. Flint stepped closer to him, unsure what to do and where to go. The man locked eyes with him for a moment, but finally the man extended his hand.

“I'm Carter.” He pointed over to the other man lying on the ground. “And he was a traitor.”

Flint shook his hand unsurely. “Where am I?” Flint asked.

“You are in my apartment.  Jared,” he pointed to the man on the ground. “He brought you back before I was ready for your return.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was going to bring you back after Kate faced her crimes.”

Carter's teeth gritted while he wore a worn expression across his hard and rough features.

“Who's Kate and what supposed crimes did she commit?”

Carter looked at him with a quirked eyebrow. “You don't know?"

Flint nodded no softly.

Carter, however, turned away from Flint and spoke. “Kate attempted to murder you.”

Flint's eyes danced crazily. “What did I do to her to make her want to kill me?”

Carter scoffed. “You killed her mother, Marilyn Bishop, in cold blood.”

Flint couldn't believe what he was hearing. He wasn't a murderer. Was he? He remembered nothing. His memories turned ashen when he tried to recall anything. The only thing that stuck was his name. After that, there was nothing. Okay…nothing plus the vision of electric blue eyes, but then again those were probably in his imagination too.

Carter looked at him with a speck of concern. “I'm sorry, Flint. They forced you to kill her.”

“Who?” Flint still wanted this to be untrue, but there were so many blanks that Carter kept filling in that made him scared of himself. Flint looked down at his calloused hands. Are these the hands of a killer, he asked himself. With no answer, his heart melted in his chest.

Carter looked downward in remorse. “Blank Slate. Dr. Phoenix. Jared. Wynn. They all forced you to kill Marilyn.”

Flint ruffled his hands through his hair. “How did she do it?”

Carter looked at Flint confused. “Who?”

Flint stepped closer to Carter. “Kate. What did she do to me to forget all of this?”

“She…shot you. Your wounds healed but I thought it'd be best to keep you here and wait for you to wake up. Kate was still out there, I thought she'd hurt you if she knew you were okay. I thought I was doing a good job of keeping you safe until I found out Jared was working with one of Kate's friends. I really shouldn't have reacted that way with him…but Jared was my son."

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