Chapter 24: Blueberry Muffins

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Chapter 24: Blueberry Muffins

*I know we've never went to her POV but Wynn's just like Jared, she's an attention hog, so here she is...*

Wynn Silver

The sun burned straight through the large rectangular windows covering the length of the office. One would think others would be alarmed at the sound of a gunshot but the building was particularly empty today, except for them.

Looking down at the floor, Annie's body seriously looked like it was past expiration. Wynn wondered how any of this was possible.

Shapeshifters? Disappearing? Her eyes stung in a formidable and familiar disbelief.

But sure enough, Annie took a deep breath and her eyes bolted open. Then, before Wynn's eyes, she changed into a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes. Wynn gasped at the sight of it all. Kate just stayed in the corner of the office overlooking them with disgust written all over her face.
Kate's jaw was locked in anger and her arms were crossed in complete vexation.

Wynn stuttered out a bare whisper of a word, “what?”

Drake put her hand on Wynn's back. “Look, I know what you walked into...but are you coming with us?

A trickle of a tear formed on Wynn's emerald eyes. Shakily, she whispered out her answer. “No.”

Then, almost instantaneously, a pocket knife blade scratched at the skin on the back of her neck. Wynn took a deep breath as Drake spoke softly but firmly. “I'm afraid I must insist. You've already seen too much.”

Wynn stuttered out a response. “B….b…but—”

Drake pulled the knife from her neck. “We're not going to kill Jared. Carter's our target. Let's keep it that way.”

Wynn’s breath retreated as a tear flickered off her cheek. Wynn nodded and painted back a choked smile on her features. She was accustomed to this look. This look won her a spot as the homecoming queen, but now, the sole purpose of this look was to make them believe she was with them and not trying to escape.

Kate gave Drake another daggered glare at her. This time, more intensity broke out over her face.

She didn't want this either, Wynn could tell. But what other choice did they have?

Wynn's shoulders sagged and they walked out of the office. Annie flipped her hair across her shoulder and Kate gloomed over in anger. There was silent and palpable dissonance between all of them.

“So what's next?” Wynn asked.

Drake's sapphire eyes cut up towards her. “Poison.” Drake said it like it explained anything. All of their eyes narrowed at this and they all stopped walking along the warm concrete for a moment.

“Poison?” Kate asked incredulously.

Drake nodded firmly. “Jessica just told me that Carter is at Coleen's Diner with Jared and Jay”.

“Who's Jessica?” Wynn asked, still dumbfounded from the lack of context anywhere.

Kate ignored her question. “So what are we going to do, huh? Put an apple core in his coffee?”

Drake sighed at Kate. “Look, Kate, I know we're not on the best of terms now, but come on. Do you have to be so obtuse?”

Kate scoffed at this as Annie hit Drake on her hand.

Drake exchanged a heated glare with Kate and then they both compromised saying, “Fine."

Alright. Onward to Coleen's Diner. Wynn gulped at this thought as she looked at her chipped nails in despair. Was everything going to go wrong today? Slacking her designer bag over her shoulder, they headed up the street to the diner on the corner.

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