Chapter 22: Ferris Wheels and Death

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Chapter 22: Ferris Wheels and Death

Flint Morgan

Flint awoke on white cotton sheets. The walls however, were a startling grey. He was in some sort of prison-like place. Looking down at himself, he was still all there, just not flickering anymore. Flint wanted to be happy about this...but he was so unsure what this was.

Getting up, all his limbs ached from inside out.

In this sort of prison, there was this mirror, sink, toilet and grey bars that were a connecting walls between cells. Looking in the mirror, he found the same man he'd always been. His hair was blond and tousled over his murky green eyes.

Without Kate though, who was he really? His heart raced at her mere name. She was everything to him. And she was also dead because of him. Flint's gaze flew to the bars. He deserved this. Still...tears clung in his glassy eyes.

Figuring he was now finally alone, he choked out a sob. It was so great to be alone with no expectations or shadows hanging overhead, but he was missing something. No. That's too vague. He wasn't just missing something, without her, he was missing everything.

Her ocean deep eyes scraped the surface of his brain.

It wasn't her inherent looks that made him fall for her. It was her vulnerability and strength. It was her stream-like eyes that had him perpetually running into her. It was her big wide and gaping heart. It was so many little things that made the bigger and beautiful picture of her.

But she was gone.

And now, so was he.

Rubbing his forehead in frustration, he looked into the mirror again, thinking of her.

As he thought of her however, a screen appeared on the mirror.

Flint's eyes narrowed as he intensely looked at something that was impossible. The screen played what looked to be Kate and a redhead talking to each other. Moving closer, he listened in.

"Yes. I will kill Carter...and maybe I'll finally get a raise while I'm at it"

Flint stepped back and gaped. She did not just say that. That was the woman he loved. She would never do anything like that. She even cried in his arms about even just running away from the Lakehouse.

The redhead grinned at Kate like everything was going to plan.

Flint's stomach soured as Kate went on. "I will kill him for Flint."

Her face seemed so assured and Flint had no idea who she was anymore.

In practically a moment, her ocean blue, kind eyes, turned into cold ice-like eyes. His heart hardened. So, while Kate was alive...she wasn't really herself anymore. And who asked her to kill for him? No. God this was a mess. He wish he could tell her to stop.

Shaking the mirror, he practically yelled at her, "Don't do this Kate! Please, no!"

But she didn't hear him. It was like watching Netflix and he couldn't interact with the character to tell them they were making a huge mistake. It was horrible to watch. Flint drew his dagger-like eyes away from the sight.

Staring at the walls now, he yelled out.

"Why the hell did I leave her? I loved her. I loved the woman who cried my arms that night." With even more desperation, he pressed on by asking, " where is she? But more importantly...who is she now?"

Beating his fists against the concrete walls, he screamed. "I'm supposed to be with her. Where the hell am-"

A female voice interrupted. "You're in a Etch-a-sketch, now shut up!"

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