Chapter 17: Love Me Dead or Alive?

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Chapter 17: Love Me Dead or Alive?

Flint Morgan

What he had first thought to be his brother, through the devilish glint in his steel eyes, Flint realized he was anything but. Backing away from the man with soot and blood wrapped around his features, he found the man coming closer and closer to him. Flint trembled, how could he see him? Wynn was cowering as well and Flint realized that this was the first time he had seen her actually scared of something, which made Flint tremble even more.

The man's lips curled upwards as his eyes brewed a cold cauldron of fuming anger.

Flint whispered his concern, "Who are you?" The man's eyes caught on Flint. Flint gulped. Him being able to see him meant he was part of Blank Slate. Flint's eyes narrowed trying to solve the mystery of who this man was who looked so much like Jared that it was scary.

He repeated in a scared tone, "Who the hell are you?"

The man's eyes danced. "Jay Farley...Now that we got that over with that. Flint Morgan, you're coming with me."

Flint shuttered and Wynn looked bewildered and estranged in her expression.

"Who's Flint Morgan and why do you look exactly like Jared," she asked. As she did, Charlie came bustling through the open French doors. A smile lit Jay's lips and he slowly staggered over to the young boy. Once Wynn saw this, her emerald eyes held a double shot of terror.

"Please, don't touch Charlie. He's not a part of this. Please." She pleaded.

Jay moved closer to Charlie while the soft jagged ends of tears began to drip down her plaster white cheeks . Jay laughed at her display of emotion. Flint's heart stopped at the thought of Jay doing anything to Charlie.

There was only one choice.

He stepped towards Jay with mountains of apprehension wading at his chest.

Flint's green eyes were stuck in the suspense of what Jay wanted and why he looked so much like Jared.

His brows creased in vexation as Jay slowly put his soot covered hands over Charlie's small neck.

"I'll it Jay, just let go of him." Jay nodded and his smile slipped from his face.

Jay lamented, "Ah...the easy way is no fun. Well, what are you waiting for boy scout, let's go."

Flint solemnly nodded but Wynn ran up to him.

"Jared, what is going on with you?" Jay looked back at her with a scowling expression.

Wynn's features, however, only remained stretched in deep concern.

Jay pulled away from her with an intense glare seeding deep within his steel eyes.

"You should remember me, Wynn. I was the one that wanted you, never Jared. But you don't get it do you? I will never be enough for you, even if I do look exactly like him."

Wynn's eyes widened in response and her mouth stretched in infinite wonder.

She stuttered out, " died that night. I saw it happen."

Jay shook his head, "No. You saw what you wanted to see; Jared alive and me dead. Well, here I am, Wynn...and now I'm walking out that front door, yet again." Wynn's expression remained unreadable, but understandably in distress.

He exasperated a long, loud sigh. Staying for a moment, he ruffled his hands through his dark hair. "But you're not going to chase after me, because I'm not the one that women chase after. I am the man that only chases after them. Forever I am out of reach of the ones who I love and your arms will always tangled around a man who doesn't love you either."

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