Chapter 11: Sharing A Bunk Bed With A Murderer

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Chapter 11: Sharing A Bunk Bed With A Murderer

Flint Morgan

The sun was painted over with a fresh coat golden light as the next morning projected onto the wide canvas of the world. As Flint was abruptly woken, he reached out to the other side of the bed instinctively. His eyes remained closed but the feeling washed over him like it did every morning. As he kept pawing around for a wish warmth, he kept winding up empty. His eyes shot open as that bittersweet thought trickled through him unevenly.

Flint's jaw stretched into a yawning expression as the noises from the other side of his bed kept him from hitting the snooze on his left.

Grumblingly, he reached out for his phone and tried to steady his glance on his messages.

Kate: I have your first mission to save you. Sent 10:09 am

Flint's jaw constricted as his fingers quickly padded over the keys.

Flint: Can't it wait for the afternoon? We could have brunch and get to know each other better beforehand. Sent 12:34 pm

Flint waited for a response but no bubbles popped up so he peeled his shirt and discarded it close to the laundry bin.

Quickly, Flint did his morning exercises in his personal gym.

Afterwards, he took a quick shower and checked his phone.

As he checked it, a fresh message popped up.

Kate: Really? It's past afternoon now and hold off on that brunch until you save yourself idiot! Sent 1:33 pm

Flint sighed and responded.

Flint: Okay, fine. What is this first mission? And why do we have to call it a mission? Sent 1:34 pm

Kate:*Angry huff* yes we have to call it a mission...though I have come up with some code names for you. What do you think about the name; egotistical ape or annoying chimp? Any of those jump out to you? Sent 1:35 pm

Flint: Neither! Just tell me what I have to do? Sent 1:35 pm

A couple of moments passed and he received another message.

Kate: You're not going to like it. Sent 1:37 pm

Kate: You have to follow around Jared for the day. Sent 1:37 pm

Flint's eyes went wide and he furiously began typing.

Flint: What?!?!?! No! Absolutely not! Sent 1:37 pm

Kate: Read 1:37 pm

Flint ruffled through his hair angrily. She was going to make him to do it, wasn't she?

His furrowed brows grew like a parasite; draining him and following him wherever he'd go.

They followed him even onto the squealing subway.

Faces of strangers whizzed by him in a calm and steady train as the world around him whirled.

He became stuck in a eternal napalm tailspin as he saw the house.

It was a huge white house adorned with black shutters. A white fence hung painted in a soft slumber along the freshly trimmed grass.
While Charlie held the door open, Flint slowly followed him. His heart pounded in his chest as he saw Charlie once again. Knives felt like they were tattooing onto him the thought that he would never get over this. He just couldn't get over what happened. Nothing could change that.

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