Chapter 28: Following Your Dreams

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Chapter 28: Following Your Dreams

Flint Morgan

His dreams were filled with electric blue eyes. Flint turned over trying to forget them, but he couldn't. They were all he saw. They were the only piece of his old life that he remembered. Turning over his pillow once more, he fell once more into his dreams.

Still thirty minutes afterwards, he couldn't get out the vision of those crystal eyes shooting right through his mind.

Finally, his mind spun elsewhere momentarily.

His mind spat out a solitary number to him; 33.

It looked to be an apartment number. Flint took note of the number and he hoped that his mind wouldn't spin back to those haunting crystal eyes. Luckily, his mind spilled back to a green sign that said Sherwood Avenue.  Looking up in his dream, he saw a dreary apartment sparkling in the distance.

Sweat panted out of Flint as a feeling washed over him seeing that apartment.

Flint's breath raced to catch up with him. He felt as if this whole place was haunting him.

Finally, Flint woke up to the sun berating through the blinds. Rubbing his eyes, Flint sat up. He couldn't believe he crashed at Carter's place. Last night was just so tiring. Flint had picked up Jared and left him at the hospital just like Carter said, now they were just waiting for Wynn to wake up.Whatever Carter gave her knocked her out cold. Flint just hoped whatever it was wasn't permanent.

Looking down at Wynn, he wished he remembered her at all.

All he really had was his dreams, but even those dreams were filled with blanks.

Like who was the person who belonged to those devastating blue eyes, and why did he keep seeing that one apartment in particular.

Flint wanted to believe Carter was telling the truth, but he couldn't. Not unless he investigated that apartment from his dreams.

Flint gulped loudly. Suddenly, Wynn's eyes opened wildly.

“Welcome back to earth,” Flint said.

Wynn's hands were bound and she struggled to get out. Flint just laughed. “Carter. She's awake!”

Carter stepped through the door. Seeing Wynn awake, Carter looked at Flint. “I'll take it from here. You can take the day off to relax while I get Kate's location out of her.”

“But—”Flint exclaimed.

Carter just nodded no. “You don't want to be here when you see how we get the information out of her. Trust me. It'll, be fine. We'll find Kate before she hurts someone else. Okay?”

Flint took a deep exhale as he headed to the door. “Fine,” he yelled out as he slammed the door.

This was what he wanted anyways. He needed to find Sherwood Avenue, Apartment 33.

He needed to piece together his life.

Flint headed to the subway station with an eerie familiarity washing over him with every step.


Finally, Flint made it to the apartment on Sherwood. It looked exactly the same as his dream. His mind sped up as he stood outside. Flint's heart shook in his chest as he felt deep down inside that whoever was in apartment 33, he probably cared about them a lot.

This scared him, but also excited him. Flint propelled his feet forward in pure anticipation. Slowly, his feet traced the ground until he made his way to the stairs. His shoes softly pattered up to the right floor and then his eyes scanned for the apartment. Finally, his eyes settled on the door of the right apartment. Flint gulped hard. His heart pulsed in his chest as his fist raised ready to knock.

Blank SlateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora