Chapter 13: Dying to Deceive

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Chapter 13: Dying to Deceive

Flint Morgan

Cold morning light bit right through the thin white curtains. A low gravelly yawn protruded from Flint's mouth. As he smelled her tropical perfume, a grin sat low on his lips. The white comforter he was wrapped around held his warm body as he rolled over to the other side of the mattress. Expecting to see Kate's beautiful face and eyes, he was disappointed when her side was empty.

As he sat up and rubbed his eyes, sunlight accosted him through the paned window.

Looking to Kate's side once more, he saw a pink post-it note drawn in haste. The writing looked rushed and barely legible. Flint's eyes were glued to the note as he attempted to decipher what she could have said.

Reading it out loud, he tried to confirm the message to his own ears, " Hey, Annoying Chimp. Mission #2 Get to know Wynn. By the way...last night...though it was can't happen again. Not until we save you. Just stay away from me for now. We can be friends...but no more. I...just can't."

What did she mean? "I just can't." That sounds like "I just won't" in a clever disguise.

Another dull ache stabbed at him. He would have to go to his ex-wife. The same ex-wife that cheated on him with his brother. The same one that forced Jared into a marriage. The same one that stole Charlie away from him.

The truth was that it wasn't his ex-wife that hurt him. It was the loss of Charlie. He did fight for hard that it hurt...but it didn't matter. He had no right to the child...and now every time he saw Wynn, he was reminded.

Getting his shoes on, Flint's heart split and splintered with each jagged footstep along Kate's hardwood floor.

He had to do this. He had to save himself for Kate...but then again, she did say they were just friends.

It hurt him so much because he was so bare to her and she just put up her walls in response.

He told her that he cared for her.

She didn't say anything about liking him back.

She only said "we'll talk".

His heart plummeted from the summit of last night's time with her and he spun as he shattered back to earth.

Flint's feet fell across the concrete as he slowly began to head over to Wynn's place.

Maybe this would bring him some closure.

His feet traced the pebbled ground with resilence as thoughts dangled in his peripheral.

His soft footsteps trotted through the bustling city.

He remembered the first time he met Wynn Silver.

It was a long time ago but he had committed it to memory by playing it over and over analyzing it after she left.

She wore a worn and faded T-shirt. She had this incredible brown hair laid simply in a messy curl. Her green emerald eyes met his as she sat across from a man clearly boring her to death and a clear chauvinist. Flint was a couple booths down working away on the Morgan company's portfolio, when he heard their conversation unravel before him.

They were in a diner named Sally's Place. The walls were painted white with a spiral border and it looked like an average 60's diner complete with a jukebox. A small hum of a fan was the background to their conversation. Soft coversations echoed from the other booths but it was a slow and soft day of May. The world was budding the cold sense that winter was over and summer was soon to bring heat and warmth. Romance stood in the shallow air as it was a time of change and the last Valentine's Day left a euphoric feeling.

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