chapter 7

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I went back to camp to check on how Brittany is doing, when I heard Sandy call for me to hurry up and saying Brittany is learning how to talk!


While Dina was out meeting a nice family that will take Brittany in to care for and love, I had saw Brittany trying to talk so I went to call Dina to come over.

Brittany Rose~

"W-wh-whe wher-where a-am I at?"


Well Brittany you are in my med tent in the werewolves camp, "we have a few questions for you to answer ok?"

You don't have to talk ok, "just nod or shake your head to our questions ok?"

Brittany Rose~

I nod my head understanding her and waited for her to talk, she had asked me her questions.


"Where did you come from?"

Brittany Rose~

The human world


"How did you get hurt?"

Brittany Rose~

I got hurt by four bad humans in another world


"Why did they hurt you?"

Brittany Rose~

Because they are mean to kids ever since I went to the place they would hurt me if I did something wrong, they are very strict with rules.


"What were their rules?"

Brittany Rose~

Make your bed, clean the house, make food, and if I mess up they won't give me food or water in the human world for 5 days.

I hate the human world but I do miss my two parents that were killed, then again I don't remember much of them at all or who killed them.

My birthday had past so i am 17 years old, My birthday is April 5th.


We are sorry for your loss Brittany, would it be ok if a family come see you tomorrow and don't worry you don't need to do any work ok? Just try to rest and get better.

Brittany Rose~

I nod my head being curious about the family that I will be living with then their were questions in my head, would they love me? What would happened if I mess up? I can't move my body yet except for my head a little bit.

Author note: what will happen next, why would humans in the human world hurt Brittany that is just wrong no humans should do that to her at all!

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