chapter 24

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Mavis Wormwood~

I was making dinner for everyone here, for dinner is Chinese food.

I was making dinner for everyone here, for dinner is Chinese food

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I had set the table with silverware's and plates, then I got there drinks ready in their cups

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I had set the table with silverware's and plates, then I got there drinks ready in their cups.

Brittany sat in a highchair as sandy gently strap her in the seat, I greeted Mrs. Bertha as king Rex aqaintance and put Brittany bib on her neck.

She really don't like things touching her neck, so you got to be really careful of how you do it.


This is a very nice home Rex, everything is so nice and clean! We all went to the table as it was dinner time.

I had met the made which was a vampire, the Prince Ross and princess Rose had both joined us for dinner.

Princess William had joined us for dinner, I had sat next to Brittany because I wanted to feed her dinner. But she had looked away from me until I tried again and this time she looked at me, as I put her food in her mouth.


Dinner was really good, thank you ma'am for the lovely dinner.


Yeah it was yummy!

Mavis Wormwood~

You both are very welcome

As dinner went on, it was time for bath's and then bed time. Afterwards our guests had left, Rex let me stay the night as I will help Brittany move around.

Mai Frost~

I was pretending to sleep as our door opened and Bertha walked in to get Brittany, it is only 3 to 6 am. William went to sleep in Brittany bed, as I went to watch Bertha and Brittany.

She is up to something and I know it, if she wants to take Brittany from me she has another thing coming.

Brittany Rose~

I was half awake when I was taken out of here, but I wasn't tired anymore as she help me move.

My body hurt so much for not moving around, she put something in my mouth so if I scream from the pain I won't wake anyone up!

So I cried with my gag in my mouth as my throat starts to hurt, we had finally taken a break then I look at Bertha as she picks me up.

Author note: what will happen next, do you guys think Mai is going crazy? And what do you think about Bertha?

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