chapter 35

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Frank Johnson~

Today I wanted to take my family on a walk and then as we got father in the woods it got dark fast, but I kept up our spirits until we heard somebody coming our way so we all had stopped to see who is their.

Mary Johnson~

Afterwards they came out of the shadows, "it was the Jones family but I don't know why they were hiding behind the bushes?"

Tyly Jones~

Hi Mr. And Mrs. Johnson family, "why are you guys doing this far from your village?"

Andy Jones~

We come here to use the bathroom, so we will be leaving now bye.

Harry Johnson~

Hey take us with you, it is scary in here.

Henrietta Johnson~

Yeah please take us out of here, *cries scared*

Katie Jones~

Otay follow us out of here.

Harvey Johnson~

Yay thank you Katie

Greta Green~

We all had found a castle to stay for the night, and we all went to fina a room to sleep until morning comes again.

Henry Marsh~

Sweety we have company here, let's go say hi to them ok

Victoria Marsh~

Yes daddy, I might get to play tonight!

I had said in a happy mood, about playing with one of them.

Author note: what will happen next?

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