chapter 15

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Characters list~

Lauren Frost
Age: 28
Family: Lyon and Andrew Frost
Lyon Frost
Age: 19
Family: Andrew Frost
Andrew Frost
Age: 10
Family: Lyon Frost
Hunter family: none
Werewolves family: none
Witches family: none
Vampire family: none
Owner: TheTinyMan

Lindy Aiday
Age: 20
Family: Carly and Alysa Aiday
Dead: none
Carly Aiday
Age: 20
Family: Lindy and Alysa Aiday
Dead: none
Alysa Aiday
Age: 5
Family: Lindy and Alysa Aiday
Hunter family: none
Werewolves family: none
Witches family: none
Vampire family: none
Owner: Alysa_Moon

Sariel Moon
Age: 26
Family: AngelMix Moon
AngelMix Moon
Age: 1
Family: Sariel Moon
Hunter Family: none
Werewolves Family: none
Witches family: none
Vampire Family: none
Owner: AngelMix94

Author note: what will happen next, and if I didn't get to your characters I will on Friday.

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