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Punishment what a strong word, Who am I to have the right to be the punisher? No one, I don't have that right, but that's a thing that we must do, That I must do.

No one escapes his fate, you choice are limitless, you can change a lot of things but your fate is gonna get you sooner or later, it's useless to run away.
Five weeks are passed since the kurta massacre and we everything seems normal.

"It's useless to go against meteor city" phinks said grinning, he was as ready as he could be.
"These damn mafia members can't understand" Uvogin replied,
"Every outsider can't understand" I said grinning, I was ready to punish them.
"You know Tey, I didn't thought you were this cold, I mean everyone is but I didn't expect that from you" Nobunaga said while touching his chin, "Nobu this isn't related to being cold, this is sense of duty, no one can go against meteor city, I really don't give a shit about the mafia" I said while looking up in the sky.
"He is right, it's just sense of duty, the mafia isn't going to take advantage of meteor city or it's inhabitants" Franklin said in a lower tone if voice.
"I heard that the are some nen users" Nobunaga said,
"Now I am more excited" Uvogin was raising his tone, "Now I am really excited" he repeated, at that point his veins were popping out.
"Uvo you are the kindest and most genuine brutal murder in the world" I said looking at him, "Thanks I appreciate that" he said as he vigorously slammed is hand on my back.
"Gentle and delicate as a feather" I said joking, he basically slammed a giant anvil on my lower back.

We were near the first objective, Uvogin walked in front and screamed, everyone of those useless living pieces of garbage looked at him "who you think you are?" "Stupid brutus" "get away before I lose my temper", they started saying thing like that, they were really cocky and stupid.
There were at least 250 mafia members there,
Uvogin laughed and we started brutally killing these gangsters, after few seconds the place was just a bloodbath, heads ripped apart, severed dead bodies, some of them were popped from the inside out, they couldn't even react. "Finally we finished the boring part" phinks said, "Now we are going to zaban city, killing their bosses and the nen users of the mafia" franklin calmly explained, "Sounds fun" Uvogin said. "The happiest man is the one who deeply enjoys every second of his work" I replied, "In fact I couldn't see myself doing anything else" Uvogin said.
"Someone should stay here just in case that someone else will arrive" I pointed out,
"True, I will stay" franklin responded,
"Ok then we'll go" phinks announced.

Zaban city wasn't near, at all, in fact it took us two full days between walking and using the car. But finally we arrived, That place was actually cool, a lot of people in the streets, everything so flashy.
"We are going to kill them this night, no waste of time" phinks said, "We'll split up, everyone is going to search informations in the underworld, if someone finds something he must call the others" I said receiving a nod from the other and then in a fraction of second we jumped and we went for different directions.

Nobunaga's Pov

Damn, until now i've seen only street thugs, no real mafia members, I gues that this isn't the right direction, I hope that some of this toddlers knows something.
"Who are you, what are you searching for? You know that this is mafia territory right?" A bald bulkhead said, he was a nen user but a relatively weak one, "Are you part of the mafia? I searching for them?" Was my response.
"How cocky of you, little samurai wannabe, well yes I am a mafia member, I am also the one who'll end your research" he replied grinning, "Not true bulkhead, you are just the start of my research, tell me where your boss is and I'll spare your life, if you can't even tell the difference between us you should just go home" I said looking at my katana,
He screamed as he tried to attack, I stood there and said "I'm not the most skilled spider, or the strongest one, but I am more than enough to send you to the hell", I quickly chopped is head with my katana.
I took out my phone and called Tenshi,
"Oh Nobunaga did you find something? I just found a couple of street thugs"
"Well I found a mafia member but I killed him, He has a dragon tattoo in his bald head, this could be their signature tattoo" I replied
"More than enough, I think that you could start by searching in his pockets to see if he has his phone with him, probably he has the number of the boss in his phone, if there is the number of the boss text him and ask him were they are now"  Tenshi said
"Well you are right I suppose" man in that moment I felt dumb,
"Oh there it is, I am texting his boss" I informed,
"Good text me when he replies, in the meantime I am going to search for mafia members to exterminate" He said,
"Wait he replied, he said that they moved to the baxton hotel, he sent me even the position via gps, what a dumbass" I laughed,
"Mmh sounds incredibly dumb, I mean at least he should've asked why did you want to know his location, maybe they just don't suspect anything" Tenshi pointed out,
"Well anyways this place is in the southern zone of the city, I'll call uvo and you'll call phinks to inform them, the one who is the nearest to the hotel is going there" I said
"Fair enough, I'll call you later" Tenshi said before ending the call.

The desolation of meteor city [Hunter x Hunter Phantom troupe]Where stories live. Discover now