❀ chapter three ❀

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💗 Betty Cooper 💗

I'm so nervous.

I smooth my sleek black dress in the elevator mirror for the millionth time as I hear the elevator bell ding, signifying that I am on Level 64. My level. Fluffing up my hair to give it a bit of life, I step outside the elevator. I am immediately met with marble floors and the faint smell of lavender drifting down the hallways. As I look around, I notice Joaquin was right - this guy is rich. Not like a normal person rich, BILLIONAIRE rich.

I walk down past numerous doors, looking for one that screams "BIG BOSS" at me, but I don't find it. I check my watch, which reads '7:55am'. Well, at least I'm early. Suddenly, a hand shields me eyes, cutting off my vision.

"Guess who?"

"Hmmmm... is it Dwayne Johnson?", I asked.

"How about a hint - your favorite New Yorker", I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh, I know!", I exclaimed, "Kevin!"

"I am personally OFFENDED, Betty Cooper!", Joaquin exclaimed as he removed his hand from my face so that I could see him.

We laughed together as he pulled me into a warm embrace, which I graciously accepted. Getting hugged back home in Riverdale was very rare. "Punctual", he commented, "The boss is going to like you a LOT". 

As I was about to respond, my phone pinged. I felt the usual small twinge of hope, thinking that it was him reaching out to me to apologize or that he'll come back. Of course it's not him. It's Veronica.


V - Hey B! Good luck at your first day 💛

B - Aw, thanks V! 💝


"I guess we better get you to the office if you want to get the job", Joaquin said, checking his watch. I nod, too nervous to speak any words. Finally, we arrived at the doors of the office. 

"Here he is",  Joaquin said, "Good Luck!" He yelled as he walked off.

"Thanks!", I called back.

I stared at the tall, black doors in front of me, too scared to open them myself. Is that platinum? I wondered to myself. Come on Betty, I tried to give myself a pep talk. You've faced worse than this, way worse. Like when you almost got hit by a bullet, or when you ran off with a hot gang leader... I shake my head to try and gather my wits up. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the doors and stepped inside.

I gasped in awe. His office is HUGE, I thought. Beautiful abstract art littered the walls, with a shimmering chandelier hanging in the center of the room. After I looked around the room, my gaze fell on a young man sitting in a leather black chair. His back was faced towards me, and it looked like he was reading through publishing material or something like that. 

"You can take a seat if you'd like", a familiar, sexy voice called.

Oh no.

Not that voice.



BIG FAT BOMB! (insert mic drop)
We love us a good cliff-hanger, don't we? I'm just going to leave this singular chapter here until tomorrow because I love suspense 😌
You guys know the deal, go to riverdalefics if you want the first story :)
COMMENT, SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS, AND VOTE ME STORY PLEASE, it would be very much appreciated. It only takes a few seconds guys 😌
We are glad that Episode 17 is coming out next Thursday though :)
*the video i added in is so cute like ughhhh*
This chapter wasn't THAT long, I guess, but you'll see why in the next chapter 😉


till we meet again ││ bughead ❀Where stories live. Discover now