❀ chapter ten ❀

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💗 Betty Cooper 💗

Should I tell him more?

"I can't BELIEVE you're dating Jughead Jones!" Charles exclaims. Gosh, he sounds exactly like Kevin, I think to myself.

"Shhhhh" I playfully hushed him. It wasn't big news yet, we decided not to go public because I don't exactly need cameras flashing in my face right now.

"How was the move to New York?" He asks nonchalant, but I know why he's asking. He wants to know why I asked him to come here.

"It was really good" I say, picking at the sandwich I ordered. My stomach twists and suddenly I don't feel like eating. 

His eyebrows furrow in concern and I know that he won't buy anything that comes out of my mouth from here on out.

"How come you called me to New York?" He asks.

How do I explain it in a way that he won't start bombarding me with questions about Jughead? I wonder. 

Before I can form an answer, my phone pings, saving me from embarrassment. 


? - Hello, Princess.

Uh, okay, I think to myself. I form the courage to reply. Surely it's Jughead playing a prank on me?

B - Who is this? How did you get my number?

? - Ah, Betty. Always asking the wrong questions. You should be asking
      what am I going to do when I get my hands on you?

Who the hell is this creep? Charles gives me a worried look, so I smile timidly at him.

B - I'm getting my boyfriend to track you down, you fucker.

? - Jughead, is it? I wouldn't do that if I were you.

B - Why not?

? - Car crashes are very common in Riverdale. You wouldn't want 
      Mommy and Daddy to get into an accident, would you?

B - What do you want? I'll do anything.

? - Nothing yet, sweetheart. Why don't you give Mommy a little
      call and ask her about what she's been writing for the Register?


"Betty? Are you okay?" Charles asks, panicked.

I give him my phone and he examines the conversation I just had with this mystery person.

"Shit!" he says. There's a bit of an edge to the sound, but I choose to ignore it. He's just panicking, like you.

I take my phone off him and scroll through my contacts until I find the number. Alice Cooper.


A - Hi honey! Why haven't you called me since you left?

till we meet again ││ bughead ❀Where stories live. Discover now