❀ chapter eleven ❀

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🐍 Joaquin DeSantos 🐍

Work is boring.

I sit at Jones' desk, flipping through the endless stacks of publishing papers. 

I don't mind that he took the day off work to hang out with Betty, the only down side is that I have to be the stand-in for him at a time where he has SO much publishing to confirm and send for printing.

He knows that I suck at reading, he's probably doing this to get back at me for surprising him with Betty Cooper. I smirk. Totally worth it.

I pull out my phone and message Kevin.


J - Hey babe 😗

K - Hey sexy 😙

J - Wanna come over to my work? There's a desk in here... 👀

K - As appealing as that sounds right now, there's a bit
of drama going on here right now with Betty and Jug.

Huh? That's strange, I think to myself. They were getting along just fine earlier today.

J - What happened?

K - I'm not sure, Jughead is pacing again and Betty
looks shocked. Maybe call Jughead and ask him?

J - Will do. Stay safe babe 💚

K - Stop being silly, I always am. Except for when I'm
alone with you 😉


I smile at Kevin's last message, but it's not enough to settle my nerves. 

I scroll through my contacts list until I find the number I'm looking for. Caller ID - Jughead Jones, the screen reads. I press call.


Jughead - What do you want?

I flinch from the amount of venom in his tone. Jeez, someone's MAD mad.

Joaquin - Nothing.... Kevin just told me that there's a bit of drama going on at home, everything alright?
Jughead - Not really, no.

I can hear his heavy breathing on the other end of the line.

Joaquin - Boss? Everything alright there?
Jughead - Are you busy? Any meetings coming up soon?
Joaquin - Uhhhh, there's a short meeting at 3 with the Director of Publ-
Jughead - I don't care. Cancel it. This is more important. 
Joaquin - Okay! Calm down, Jug!
Jughead - Just get home. Today would be nice.


I walk out of the office after telling the receptionist to cancel all meetings for the rest of the day.

13 minutes later, I pull up into the car garage and hop out of the car. I wonder what all the fuss is about, I think as I walk up the stairs and into Jughead's room. 

till we meet again ││ bughead ❀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon