❀ chapter twenty ❀

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💗 Betty Cooper 💗

How long has it been since Charles left me here?

Minutes? Hours?

Time is inconsequential when you're stuck in a room with a dim light, no windows, and handcuffs restraining you from being able to move freely as a normal person would be able to. 

My stomach aches and I know why. It's been a while since I last ate properly.

Either way, the baby is going to die.

My mind drifts off to Jughead. 

What would he think about the baby? Would he want to keep it? Would he try to convince me to get an abortion?

Would he even want to be with me?

The door flies open and I watch as a panicked Charles walks into the room, frantically clutching at the set of keys in his hand.

My eyes widen.

"Charles?" I whisper. I watch him shut the door swiftly before coming to kneel beside me in the corner of the room.

He moves quickly, finding the right key and quickly jiggling it in the keyhole.

"I can't kill you knowing that I could've saved you and my niece or nephew," He admits, struggling with the key.

Tears spill down my cheeks as I watch my half brother in front of me, possibly risking his life for mine.

"T-thank you," I stutter gratefully. He offers me a sad smile.

Then the door flies open.

I don't have time to react. I was expecting a distressed Jughead or someone to walk through the door.

Boy, was my estimate off.

Charles stands in front of me in a defensive stance as FP stands by the open door.

"What are you doing, boy?" FP growls.

"Saving her," Charles says as if it's obvious. If I'm honest, it is pretty obvious. 

"Don't use that tone with me," FP warns, slowly inching closer to us with every word that spills out of his vile mouth, his lip curled over his teeth in a vicious snarl.

Faint sounds of rapid gunfire riddle on in the background, a sound soothing me as I accept my fate.

I grasp my stomach, whispering a silent prayer as FP stands before Charles. 

I watch as FP knees Charles in the gut. He falls to the floor, groaning in obvious pain.

"Charles!" I yelp.

FP's fist connects with his jaw and Charles goes flying backwards.

I scream and thrash against my restraints, trying to get closer to Charles as he lies on the floor. His body is still. 

Too still.

"What the hell did you do to him?" I scream at FP, tears of anger spouting from the corners of my eyes. He looks at me without sympathy nor regret.

He picks up Charles by the collar of his shirt and throws him towards me with as much might as possible. 

I can hear Charles' muffled groans against the floor; dark blood stains the corner of his cheek and his bottom lip.

till we meet again ││ bughead ❀Where stories live. Discover now